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dababy gets dragged for homophobic remarks

So this nigga posts a hypothetical list and removed dababy off said hypothetical list then decided to tell the world about a hypothetical situation that's not going to occur?

Could've just said what baby did wasn't cool and kept it moving. Quest love must've used his head as one of the drums he be using.

This shit was pointless
So this nigga posts a hypothetical list and removed dababy off said hypothetical list then decided to tell the world about a hypothetical situation that's not going to occur?

Could've just said what baby did wasn't cool and kept it moving. Quest love must've used his head as one of the drums he be using.

This shit was pointless
Wait what? I thought this was something that was happening.

Well, he did it for a reason that he will not tell us
Wait what? I thought this was something that was happening.

Well, he did it for a reason that he will not tell us
At first I thought so too but read the first part of his response again

Am I tripping?
Since you quoted me I’ll say your speaking directly to me.

I have a clear stance on rap shouldn’t be played, marketed or around children.

I have said that numerous times on here and still stand on it today. I’m one of the one folks in here that says rap music is influencing our youth wrongfully.

That's your stance. A good number of the people defending Da Baby and deciding to use Lil Nas X for comparison don't feel that same way. TI used to call himself "pussy pumper" on songs that played on radio as hit singles...yet he's concerned about sexuality being pushed on the youth? Math ain't mathin...