Brittany Renner

All facts!! It’s like the whole world warned this nigga when we found out. Nobody’s surprised of the outcome but him,sad to say.

Can’t feel bad for the kid at all, bitch legit wrote a book and made videos teaching broads how to do this to athletes lol
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It's as if these athletes can't fathom thinking 5 or 10 years ahead. I remember in the 2000s this shit was rampant, it was like every week in the news some athlete was being taken to court over a paternity test or child support. Then niggas got smarter and it disappeared for a while.

I say that to say fellas when you're thinking of wifing a woman please think deeply about it. Cuz you gonna spend majority of your life with this person on a daily basis. If you fall ill or money gets low, this type of chick will ghost you for a new up and coming trap lord pseudo trapper turnt rapper with no credit, a souped up hellcat and 2 baby moms. Then she'll play the victim and blame you for falling ill or losing money on a bad deal.

I think a lot of these guys just don't understand the nature of women, and are told so many lies about women that they don't really know what to look for in one. So it turns into a conversation that's not genuine nor is it proper.

Simply because these young boys are always fed the best examples of womanhood as opposed to the reality of how many women are. Men are told you're not supposed to judge a woman based on her sexual history, how she acts, what she does. So when a relationship doesn't work?

We don't get to write 3000 page dissertations like the women do and explain our issuance with something that a woman did that shouldn't like. Simply because nobody cares long enough for you to explain what you went through. Yoi can see it even when it comes down to popular media. When women make songs talking about how men are this and men are that, it's empowering. When men make songs about how women are, well it's because you hate women. The game is the game
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