What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

Sounds like it might be Turistas, which was horrible mainly b/c of how dumb they were.

This not it lol

I just remember me, my sister, and her bff went to see it
Cloverfield. All the plot being in games and fucking Wikipedia pages and shit left the product on screen one horrible waste of time.

Shit had me looking at white people like....

Tree of life
Napoleon dynamite
Lady in the water

In that order
Ah, the white people effect... bet they were laughing hard when Lafanda showed up...
I thought it was good for a few laughs when it first came out, but it didn't age well...

Great avi btw...
It's trash and I've never watched it since. The only part that was kinda funny was when homie was riding the bike and got the steak chucked at him. Otherwise fuck that movie.

Thank you sir.
The Last Jedi wasn't the worst, but it's most definitely the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced from a movie I anticipated so much.

The worst movie might be The Wicker Man. That movie was basura. Shoot Em Up with Clive Owen was bad too.
The Last Jedi wasn't the worst, but it's most definitely the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced from a movie I anticipated so much.

The worst movie might be The Wicker Man. That movie was basura. Shoot Em Up with Clive Owen was bad too.

Didn't he kill a nigga with a carrot in that?
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