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I love seeing old ass cacs with they black grandchildren

I knew this mixed chick who told me her white grandmother used to make her wait in the car when they went to the store because she didn’t want anybody to see her with a black kid.
See, shit like this don't happen when they know the parents crazy.
One thing I’ll say about the white side of my family, I never saw them be ashamed of me.

I’m most proud of my great grandfather who I lived with a lot before he passed. He was born in 1902 and loved me like his own son. Took care of me, watched after me, provided for me when my mom was running the streets, everything. He was best friends with my friend’s grandfather from across the street who was black. They would sit in the front yard for hours kicking it. God knows what they were talking about but I’d love to know.

RIP Poppy
You have such a interesting life breh. One moment you go from family member to family member until you get with your grandma. The next moment you lived with your grandpa. You don’t know the white side of your family. Living in a trailer all while being raised a orthodox Christian. While your mom ran the streets.

Breh you hate being mixed with white and always trying to distance yourself from it. Be a man you bitch ass nigga :scust:

This obsession you have with me is getting disturbing, lol. Log off for a few days and come back when you’ve calmed down.
You have such a interesting life breh. One moment you go from family member to family member until you get with your grandma. The next moment you lived with your grandpa. You don’t know the white side of your family. Living in a trailer all while being raised a orthodox Christian. While your mom ran the streets.

Breh you hate being mixed with white and always trying to distance yourself from it. Be a man you bitch ass nigga :scust:

Night king isn’t the orthodox Christian dude. That’s bobjones