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is kevin samuels... “you know”

Plus buddy a comedian and married I think. I'm sure he don't care about getting roasted

But dammit, I ain't that BRAVE!
On their show, he said he dont care. He let it grow during covid since the barber shops were closed but kept it ever since. He got jokes for anyone that got jokes for him. I think he is funny
On their show, he said he dont care. He let it grow during covid since the barber shops were closed but kept it ever since. He got jokes for anyone that got jokes for him. I think he is funny
He hilarious

And brave
This dude is misogynistic and gives good advice as it pertains to misogynistic men. I’ve always viewed it as him talkin to specific women about a specific type of man.

Then people in general caught feelings like he’s painting men and women with a broad brush. There are loads of men that don’t care about none of the shit this dude says men care about. The problem is the women that are catching feelings, don’t want those men.

And the truth about how the men that they do want, view them....hurts, so those women in turn kill the messenger. But he ain’t lying when he’s talking about the type of men he’s talking about.
Keep it a buck, most men...ima repeat that..most men just want a down ass woman they are attracted to that provides them with love, affection, and support. Men that view their woman as a social status reflection of them are the same men that don’t want daughters cause their daughters will grow up and have sex with men. In essence small minded men, and yes, very wealthy and success men can be very very small minded. The problem is that America equates wealth with intelligence. Well at one point Donald Trump was close to a billionaire.
This dude is misogynistic and gives good advice as it pertains to misogynistic men. I’ve always viewed it as him talkin to specific women about a specific type of man.

Then people in general caught feelings like he’s painting men and women with a broad brush. There are loads of men that don’t care about none of the shit this dude says men care about. The problem is the women that are catching feelings, don’t want those men.

And the truth about how the men that they do want, view them....hurts, so those women in turn kill the messenger. But he ain’t lying when he’s talking about the type of men he’s talking about.

He speaks as much rudely and bluntly toward his male clients.

Unless he is a self-misandrist too, niggas only want to see and hear what you want to see and hear.
He speaks as much rudely and bluntly toward his male clients.

Unless he is a self-misandrist too, niggas only want to see and hear what you want to see and hear.
That don’t mean shit, small minded people are small minded people because they can’t fathom that anyone else has life experiences and a viewpoint counter to their own. You are either like them or wrong. In his mind his way of thinking is absolute. Like someone that lives in the ghetto in America thinking their lives are as bad as it gets, not even considering their are people in this world that have to wipe shit from their ass with their own hand, and eat a actual meal once a week. When you cant fathom anyone else’s viewpoint it leads you small minded and forceful in projecting your own view point on the world. So regardless of if he’s talking to a man or a woman, he still is projecting a misogynistic viewpoint onto others.
He goes at white black and Hispanic women and dudes.

he questions the entitlement some people have just because they pretty or assume they pretty cuz they got a pussy.
He wants men and women to be realistic about their ideal of who they are, what they ask for and to be the best version of themself.
Aint you rich and married to a fine black woman? What you need his advice for?

It's kinda weird the first time I was introduced to Kevin Samuels he was helping me make a decision on what cologne I wanted to buy next and what candles to buy for the spot. Now he's a full-blown relationship "expert"
It's kinda weird the first time I was introduced to Kevin Samuels he was helping me make a decision on what cologne I wanted to buy next and what candles to buy for the spot. Now he's a full-blown relationship "expert"

he was a clerk at bath and body works?
Aye, takes one to know one, and no matter how good a dude any of us are. Men, we all have misogyny in us. I’ma toss out a crazy analogy right now...just you as a woman can understand on some level why a chick that don’t change her bra daily, don’t change it. But at the same time you still do? Is just how us men can get this nigga but still hold it down like u pose to. Peep how my misogyny just man splained some shit you already deduced for yourself. And real talk on some level, I don’t think there’s shit wrong wit that. I at the same time understand how it can affect a beautiful woman such as yourself.
This dude is misogynistic and gives good advice as it pertains to misogynistic men. I’ve always viewed it as him talkin to specific women about a specific type of man.

Then people in general caught feelings like he’s painting men and women with a broad brush. There are loads of men that don’t care about none of the shit this dude says men care about. The problem is the women that are catching feelings, don’t want those men.

And the truth about how the men that they do want, view them....hurts, so those women in turn kill the messenger. But he ain’t lying when he’s talking about the type of men he’s talking about.

Kevin Samuels is basically trying to convey the rich men that these women want, don't want them.

Women get on there talking about wanting a man to pay their bills and deal with their childhoood issues and take care of their baby get their feelings hurt.

Women that don't look like instagram models talking about they want the men that instagram models pay thousands of dollars on to do whatever freaky shit that these tricks be into, get their feelings hurt.

Kevin Samuels ain't saying nothing that most men already know about men.

The more money you have, the higher the standards of women men went. These standards that's mostly about looks and being quiet.

Prince Charming don't exist. Might as well get into a relationship with the McDonald's manager that they think they are better than when they really not. Life didn't turn out the way they wanted it to and now they need a man to bail them out.
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I don't think he's putting these women down unless they're disrespectful. It's like when a person goes to college and decides they want to be an elementary school teacher. Well you're not an asshole for telling them they aren't gonna graduate and make 6 figures. So stop thinking they're too good to take the $50k/year jobs, and only chasing the $100k jobs they're probably not going to get. It's just the reality of their current situation, given their past choices.

He tells these women, they probably aren't going to get the most coveted men out there because they aren't the most coveted women. So he gives them an honest evaluation of who they are, and ask them what's so wrong with getting a regular guy pulling in $50k a year.

The women calling in keep getting passes for their vanity, and KS catches heat for hitting them with truth.