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What is rage flirting?


Oh yea sure. I can do that. What day again ?
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What is rage flirting and if possible, give me an example.
following somebody around online or stalking their shit

if you accept a nigga friend request and tomorrow you got 19 likes on different pictures that boy rage flirting

he already thinkin bout what ya'll gone name the baby
Ppl who go out they way to get your attention through reactions or constantly come at you to incite a back and forth

in grade school you would tease the girl you like (or guy) and that was your way of showing you wanted them
The online version of pushing a girl you like like you still in the 2nd grade
When I was in 2nd grade, there was this girl I would see..

She was not in my class and I had no idea what her name was.

Every time I would walk past her, she would ALWAYS insult me. ALWAYS!

Always sayin’ some slick shit.

I didn’t understand it.

I told my older brother about it and he explained to me that she was probably doing that because she liked me.

It’s kinda sad to think that there are grown men on this site behaving like 7 year old girls.

Women rage flirt with me all the time. They say you're disgusting germs, ur filthy germs, not in this life time germz, not with my worst enemy's pussy germz...

They wanna fuck so bad
Women rage flirt with me all the time. They say you're disgusting germs, ur filthy germs, not in this life time germz, not with my worst enemy's pussy germz...

They wanna fuck so bad
If they wanted to fuck Diet Marvin Sapp, they could just go to Bible study b