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What is rage flirting?

@Cain was the first person i remember using it

ask him
definition ..........................you front like you hate/dislike said person but meanwhile you interact with them every chance you get or throw a quick jab at them when they had nothing to do with topic at hand.


Poster A.....................(on topic) yeah I never did any drugs

Poster B....................(to Poster A) lying ass nigga always in threads talking about what they ain't did


Female Poster..............as a woman I think it's rude when men call me out my name

Make Poster..............I'm sure you started the reason you was called out your name

(3pgs and multiple threads later they're at each others necks)
I don't think rage flirting is what y'all think it is.

The term is being used sarcastically to describe a situation in which someone can't keep another person's name out of their mouth.

Or is constantly talking about them......forcing interactions with them...........or can't just leave them alone.

There's nothing........."flirtatious"...........about it.