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How black is your name?

Kandy is the ghetto-est of ghetto. So ghetto people don’t believe it’s my name.
So ghetto it had to be spelled with a K.
This thread raises an interesting question;

Are Biblical names Black or White or non racial?

I mean, everything that happened in the Bible happened in the Middle East. And the people in the Middle East are Arabs, which I guess are the same complexion as Latinos. A Hotep will tell you that everybody in the Bible was Black, which is nonsense. I mean, they had melanin but I wouldn't use the term "Black" to describe an Arab.

And then there's the term "Semetic", which I've always thought meant jewish. People say the original jews were Black but I'm not sure if they were Arab complexion or what?

So yeah, are Biblical names racial or non racial? If your name is Adam, or Eve is that a jewish name? Because Adam and Eve are in the book of Genesis, which is the first book of the Torah.

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That's americanized ignorance. Mad genuine african male names end with a. Every time a black person say I got a girl name it reaffirms my belief that we really have no desire to fuck with, understand, or even care about West African culture.
You wasnt hiding your kid from the world. You was hiding the world from your kid.