Are you an eye for an eye or turn the other cheek person?

That idiom itself needs to be unpacked and put in context first to be thorough

but in general I’m not an eye for an eye type..I turn the other cheek. But there’s limits to it.
you need therapy
I see a therapist, infact my upcoming appt Is this wed. But I say all of that self aware of it, so I'm not that way anymore. But, imagine how bad i was when i wasnt self aware?

Added to that I got a shitty memory, like I had recently help a cousin and her husband followed me around the house and she tried to pay me for the work. I was bothered cause one..why you following me and two, why you think I'm so petty that you think I wouldn't help you off the strength.

Till I got home and remember I fucked her over years ago and he was her boyfriend at the time.


Was like, yea,..that make sense
It depends, like if someone were to kill one of my fam or close friends on some bullshit would i want them dead as well?? Yep