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Are you an eye for an eye or turn the other cheek person?

If you stop and think about what “turn the other cheek” stems from, it makes no sense for any rational, functioning adult to subscribe to that type of stupidity.

It literally means if somebody strikes your face, you should then offer the opposite side of your face for your attacker to strike you AGAIN..... Rather than you retaliating or even retreating.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Who came up with this bullshit?

If you don’t wanna fight, COOL. Run away. But don’t stand there and let somebody beat the shit outta you.

Fuck all that MLK nonsense.

God forgives, I don’t .

Eye for an eye all day.

I’m petty and immature.
I turn the other cheek. And just happen to be present when karma strikes and it looks like revenge.
Ill say this. I WANT to turn the other cheek all the time but it doesnt always work out that way. When i do act off emotions or whatever and call myself getting some kinda vengeance i go overboard and wish i didnt.
I go well beyond eye for an eye. I'm not a remorseful person at all and have no concept of "going too far".

Once a person starts with me or mine. Nobody gets to determine that I went too far just cause they can't match what I'm willing to do.
I have the understanding that 'eye for an eye' means what you do to others you must first do to Self, I avoid taking vengeance so I don't harm myself in the process.

We all like to think we eye for an eye all the time. But it’s let’s than half the time we actually take it there.

But I’m an two eyes for an eye type person when shit gets real
If you hit me I punch you, if you punch me I stab you, if you stab me I shoot you and so on. I'm most definitely eye for eye if not more
Younger me would've let that slide, current me mindset is tear them to pieces
It depends, like if someone were to kill one of my fam or close friends on some bullshit would i want them dead as well?? Yep

Not necessarily.

Sometimes a few broken bones, their bravado shattered apart and their life going full-on Book of Job minus getting their relatives and cattle busted are fair enough, depending of whom. Remember Batman and Bane?