Obama explains what he did for black people

Obama could've decriminalized drugs, gave police departments less federal money and banned private prisons as one few of the things he should've done that would've greatly benefited black people in his first two years with a supermajority.

Plus there is a plethora of executive orders he could've legally pursued like giving back land and money to Black Farmers, Canceling Student Debt which disproportionately affects Black students, and pardon Black political prisoners who've been serving unjust time.

The Power of the Office has been rightly exposed in the last 4 years with Trump and hopefully the next administration grows a spine and does the same thing.
Literally the very first thing you mention he himself couldnt do. It's to a point where people are arguing for their own unrealistic expectations and that is why this conversation is always circular in nature.
No it wouldn't. Some white people would be helped, but if drug laws are enforced 5-10 times more against blacks than whites and drug convictions and sentencing are also much higher for blacks than for whites, decriminalizing drugs would clearly help blacks a lot more than whites. As was pointed out, we know for a fact those laws to some extent were put in place specifically to hurt blacks, so getting rid of them would be a black issue.

Honestly, the truth is there isn't much policy out there that could be pushed that would help blacks specifically, unless its something like no income tax for blacks or free secondary education for blacks. I think you really have to get Congress on board for that type of thing though, so you can't really pin a failure to accomplish that solely on the president.

Thank you! A voice of reason. That's why I have the popcorn ? ready.

So many people don't understand the 'limited' power of the U.S. President. Despite what others say, even Trump couldn't just 'do' what he wanted (not to be confused with saying what he wanted).

The fact that peeps are coming in here with these 'grievances' on what Obama didn't do is proof.

Decriminalize drugs? Like, all drugs? Come on man!
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I never said it would be exclusively for black people. My point and I believe the point others were making is that drug laws were put in place largely for the purpose of hurting blacks and have had a much more devastating effect on the black community. So while some nonblacks would also be helped by their removal, them being removed would be a big win for the black community.

What drug laws do you think he should have tried to eliminate?

Funny the responses in here saying exactly the shit Obama addressed in the interview. On the one hand it's he didnt shit for Black folks...then it's well it didnt only help Black people. Then start naming shit that he couldnt actually do or when acknowledging the things he did do try to minimize it by saying "well others benefited to so it dont count.". That's the definition of moving the goal posts. If nothing else Obama and Trump's back to back have shown alot of people have little to no idea how much power the president actually has and what the powers and limitations of that position are.
He addressed it tho - you cannot realistically expect Obama to close the gap completely in 8 years. ESPECIALLY when he had to deal with all he had to.

I agree. I don't really have a problem with him on this point. He said for the beginning that he wanted to be president of the U.S. not president of black people. That was his stated agenda, so people can't fault him for sticking with it. I'm just saying, he needs to phrase his answers to these questions from that standpoint and not act like the black progress under his presidency was due to some deliberate action on his part to help blacks.

What drug laws do you think he should have tried to eliminate?

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Decriminalize it all. People shouldn't be going to jail for being junkies. That's ridiculous. Regulate drugs like you do alcohol. There are fines and punishments for legit abuse of alcohol or for breaking rules, but it's not the racket that the drug war is.
I agree. I don't really have a problem with him on this point. He said for the beginning that he wanted to be president of the U.S. not president of black people. That was his stated agenda, so people can't fault him for sticking with it. I'm just saying, he needs to phrase his answers to these questions from that standpoint and not act like the black progress under his presidency was due to some deliberate action on his part to help blacks.

Decriminalize it all. People shouldn't be going to jail for being junkies. That's ridiculous. Regulate drugs like you do alcohol. There are fines and punishments for legit abuse of alcohol or for breaking rules, but it's not the racket that the drug war is.

They probably shouldn’t go to jail but damn they are a bane on any neighborhood they are in.

They fucking stealing (have bought some stuff from them before) begging and if you live next to one. Lawd help ya
Oh, Barry...

I voted for the man twice and he certainly was a marked improvement over Bush. But I’ve never ever felt inclined to wax poetically over his presidency. He was just simply better than the goofy that preceded him.
Black people need exclusivity, period

Obama did nothing exclusively for the people he and his family look like, not even in his 2nd term
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Black people need exclusivity, period

Obama did nothing exclusively for the people he and his family look like, not even in his 2nd term
How do you know he didn’t try and got shut down each time by his surrounding majority white politicians?
After reading many of these posts it occurs to me that people do not understand the importance of voting when it comes to Congress; the House of Representatives and the Senate are so important. This is why the Georgia Senate Runoff is really a King Maker or Havoc Creator... there they can veto, fight against, make new laws around, or run right along with what the president wants.
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If a president improves the lives of black people but doesn't have any black exclusive policies is he a good president or nah
How do you know he didn’t try and got shut down each time by his surrounding majority white politicians?
Yea that's the go-to bail for Obama

But was his attitude ever like he had a cape on for us, or was it a "just doin ma job" kind of energy?

Its the latter. His heart wasn't there. He wasn't invested enough.
I agree. I don't really have a problem with him on this point. He said for the beginning that he wanted to be president of the U.S. not president of black people. That was his stated agenda, so people can't fault him for sticking with it. I'm just saying, he needs to phrase his answers to these questions from that standpoint and not act like the black progress under his presidency was due to some deliberate action on his part to help blacks.

Decriminalize it all. People shouldn't be going to jail for being junkies. That's ridiculous. Regulate drugs like you do alcohol. There are fines and punishments for legit abuse of alcohol or for breaking rules, but it's not the racket that the drug war is.

Now if all drugs get decriminalized then it will help out black folks more than others because we are unfairly targeted for drug crimes however because it wouldn't state "decriminalized drugs for Blacks only" as some have stated that wouldn't be something he did to help Black people. Not saying that is your stance but it's what others have said about Obama and policies that benefitted Black folks more than others yet still helped other groups too.