Rapper Ice Cube Invited As A Guest Speaker At The Zionist Organization Of America Gala

I'm sorry I need more explanation to this. Can we get more context?
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I'm sorry I need more explanation to this. Can we get more context?

I briefly made a research and apparently, Ice Cube and the leader of the Z.O.A. Mortin Klein became good friends last summer ago, after a call from this latter one. He was upset about a tweet posted by Ice Cube that some people misunderstood as Antisemitic and after one hour, Klein realized that it was simply a misgiving. They started to speak about their common lower class background in black hoods, yada-yada-yada "let's be friends" .

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  • Ether
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Here we go again. All ya'll capping for Ice Coon, what say you now? And Jon Voight (a heavy Trump supporter) is speaking there as well. So, is O'Shea done with the NOI? The NOI is not cool with Zionists.

  • Wack
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Jews started NAACP?
Jews helped open black schools?


From what I know about African American history, there had indeed some "liberal" bourgeois Jews who sponsored a few prominent black universities and co-founded the NAACP, but so were the then-center-right progressist Republican W.A.S.P.s (prior their downturn in the midst of the Civil Rights era) , the Irish, Freemasons, Shriners, Kellogs and so on...

... it never stopped the Eiseinhower Administration to co-opt the political assassination conspiracy of prominent independantist Panafrican leaders in Congo along the Kennedys, the Western Block and even the Soviets prior his mandatorial departure; the Irish Americans to spitefully Coon their way over and cause damage to the African American community just so to prove to the WASPs they are more white than "Iberic" (if y'all are cognizant enough about the Cheddar Men/"Cimmerians", Picts, Iberians, Aegeans, Princess Scota and Gaythelos, eastern Mediterranean and Balkans origins of some ancient Celtic elites, Silurians then later Frisians, Gypsy Romas and southern Spaniards or why the Anglo-Saxons used to be so racist against Gaelic speaking Brits, you know exactly what I meant...) ; white-owned secret societies to be what we all already know they are and did/still does, or Kellogs to reportedly support various Eugenic experiments projects against populations of color in Central America and even his own co-citizens, which includes the infamous Tuskegee Project...

Besides, Zionists of all wealthy Jews had NEVER stood up for black people anywhere, quite the contrary: it has been one hundred years they try genociding our asses. They've thought about "monitoring" the native population of Uganda when they proposed the British to give them that colony prior these latter ones changed their mind and gave them Palestine instead-- wherein they are doing the same against Arab Palestinians. Thereafter, they sent mercenaries on various "missons-that-never-happened" type of paramilitary incursions in Congo, Angola and various other sub-Saharan African countries from the 1960s to the 1980s to crush any anticolonialist revolution and massacre civilians all the same.

Heck, they even sold out nuclear weapons to the apartheid-backed government of South Africa with the intent to use them as a pre-emptive "final solution" plan against all of black people in Africa! And they're now knowingly financing and supporting both opposing sides of tribal sedition and an autocratic government in South Sudan, just so to see black folks moronically killing each other because one is born Alur and the other Shilluk or a whatnot, while at once giving arms along the Americans and Frenchs to slaveringers and bush militias from Uganda who spent their time crossing the border to terrorize the villagers and abduct both women and children, while undermining the Iranians and Syrians (and formerly Lybians prior Gaddafi's death) who keep doing the same with North Sudan.

And I don't even talk about how they mistreat Ethiopian Jews in Israel.
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Heck, Zionists are even infamous among some educated Jews who outlived the concentration camps in Poland. They were selling out their own fellow Jews to the S.S. troopers, back to the days.

That was how Zionists managed to survive in Third Reich occupied European countries. Even Jews hates them.
  • Ether
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These aging black American celebrities didn't listen Michael Jackson at all...

... all of them, WASPs. Zionists. And all the bullshit. They--
Jews started NAACP?
Jews helped open black schools?

It's an absolute fact.

Look up the term 'non economic liberalism'. It's a form of political activity that requires black people to seek any type of progress you can think of as long as it doesn't lead to e onomic independence.

You wanna eat at white restaurants? Great.
You don't wanna be lynched? Awesome.
You want to own your own businesses and recycle the money in your own communities? Nigger GTFOH

Thus came the NAACP, which was seen as a welcome alternative to the more economically dangerous organizations of Marcus Garvey and Elijah Muhammad.
i think yall taking what i said wrong.

i am tired of others doing what we can do for ourselves.

the panthers and gangmembers once did good for the community.....

we got more than enough money to build our own infrastructures now.
i think yall taking what i said wrong.

i am tired of others doing what we can do for ourselves.

the panthers and gangmembers once did good for the community.....

we got more than enough money to build our own infrastructures now.
Yes but that's precisely the unique position we are in.

We have what everyone else has to build and do for ourselves... BUT unlike everyone else, our failure is an investment piece. In other words, whites and others are financially invested in keeping us from investing in ourselves. So much so that they'll make laws to keep us in prison and with dirty records, they'll systemically keep us from making up a sizeable portion of high ranking positions in government and F500 companies, and of course keeping our men feminine, our women masculine, and our children uneducated.
Yes but that's precisely the unique position we are in.

We have what everyone else has to build and do for ourselves... BUT unlike everyone else, our failure is an investment piece. In other words, whites and others are financially invested in keeping us from investing in ourselves. So much so that they'll make laws to keep us in prison and with dirty records, they'll systemically keep us from making up a sizeable portion of high ranking positions in government and F500 companies, and of course keeping our men feminine, our women masculine, and our children uneducated.
at some point.....we have to stop trying to fit into their system and make our own.

they can do all this because we are relying on them for stability.
I don’t know about starting but Jews and blacks used to be right till they started acting white instead of...... Well you know

It all depends about the country, epoch and zeiteigeist at these times.

In some countries, Jews and Blacks were friendly. In others, they were not. And in few others, they became undistinguishable from each other yet still regarded non-Abrahamic aligned populations with spite. We can tall the same about pretty much any "black"-or-darker-skinned-to-white intersocial relationships in recorded History since as far as the Middle Bronze Age, perhaps even since the mid-to-late IIIrd millenium BC in the ancient Near East and Europe.

From an overall hindsight, it's complicated: they started being so religiously guided by the notion to hate "Hamitic" and mixed "Hamitic-Semitic" nations whose especially Canaan, Chaldea, Ismaelites, Midianites and most above all the Phillistines, Egypt and Kush that their priestly and later rabbinical scholars had practically fashioned some crucial noxious elements that will later numbers amid the earliest roots of anti-black Racism in both the Western and Eastern worlds.

The whole "Curse of Ham" , "Mark of Cain" and "Downfall of the Nephilim" myths-- and the historical damage it caused, started out with their religious liturgy and folklore.
The colonial cliché of the tyrannical, manchildish and bloodlusted god-ruler ahead of a backwards and decadent tribe and his procession of witch-doctors started out with the intoxicating portrayal of pharaonic Egypt (an African "Hamitic" nation) his god-ruler and magician-priests as such in the Book of Exodus. And if today sexually promiscuous narcopaths amid black men are so often libelled as "Jezebels" by both the black American Christians and white owned both media & arts that its original racially-neutral using has fallen into desuetude nowadays, it's because both black Christians and white American people preconsciously mirrored these dark-skinned, gaunty, overly makeup-embellished voluptuous vamps with a more ancient voluptuous and self-sufficient vamp of "Hamitic" stock from Biblical memory, the Phoenician-born Queen of Judah Jezebel infamous for her religious persecutions against Yahveh-worshipping Hebrews and hericide conspiracies against more legitimate scions of the House of David.

The cliché of the naked cannibalistic dark-skinned jungle/bush savage that permeates in various Eurasian cultures, although has already its (obviously Negrophobic, anti-Dravidian) antics in Hindu mythology (via the Mlecchas and later portrayals of the demonic Rakshas as jet-black skinned with thick curly hair and stereotypized Veddoid features opposite to the "fair" skinned Devas-- in spite historical records by both Indian chroniclers and medieval European travellers including Marco Polo that mentions it used to be the contrary in south India and assumedly originally such anywhere in earlier times) , its Western counterparts can be found through his Arabic and Jewish roots via the Arab slave trade but most above all the gnawing influence of the priaptically endowed, naked herbivore Kushite bush savage illustrated by 6th century Jewish prophet Jeremiah's words in his titular book.

And again, the first racially offensive statements libelling black men as closer to the ape than Men has started out, again, with Talmudic scholars in the 2nd century A.D. .

However, given that no people has a hive-mind, the initial enmity against Blacks has varied from almost nonexistent to relativelly innocuous or restrained to unbridled depending the sociocultural context at times. Yet, for some odd reasons, both Christian, Islamic and even atheistic Blacks hold more grudges against Jews for the very many downsides of these past five centuries of close interrelationships than the rest of white people who weren't any better because "jEwS kILLeD jEsUs" (Christians's excuse about their bigotry) or "bEcAuSe tHe jEwRy rUlEs eCoNoMy aNd pOlItIcs" (Moslems's excuse... which is a nonsense given that they didn't mind having Jews controlling economy and educational enlightement in much any Islamic empire north of the Sahara and in Western Asia. Neither to have a Quraych tribesman who reportedly get versed into mystical arcanes by Jews and being himself of part Hebraic ancestry as their most beloved prophet) and-- well, fuck these atheistic hypocrites for as much as I know, they're not even religious so why being religiously bigoted?

Well. My two cents.
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at some point.....we have to stop trying to fit into their system and make our own.

they can do all this because we are relying on them for stability.
That's partially true.

Why do we always have to choose whether to focus on one or the other?

A. We need to do for self
B. We are the only group specifically targeted to keep us at the bottom rung of society
C. Both

I'm saying it's both because ignoring either fact is why we remain in the same position.
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