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Rapper Ice Cube Invited As A Guest Speaker At The Zionist Organization Of America Gala

at some point.....we have to stop trying to fit into their system and make our own.

they can do all this because we are relying on them for stability.
Dos, I know YOU know about one of many examples of what @Soul_Rattler is talking about:

Instead of actually going in and burning down entire areas/neighborhoods (they did this in Bronx, NY in the 70s), they create laws to stifle/decimate the masses of Black folks' upward mobility and equity in this country: redlining, gentrification, mandatory sentencing laws, cutting city services, cutting funding to schools, blocking small Black businesses from accessing no-interest to low-interest loans/subsidies.... I can go on.
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Dos, I know YOU know about one of many examples of what @Soul_Rattler is talking about:

Instead of actually going in and burning down entire areas/neighborhoods (they did this in Bronx, NY in the 70s), they create laws to stifle/decimate the masses of Black folks' upward mobility and equity in this country: redlining, gentrification, mandatory sentencing laws, cutting city services, cutting funding to schools, blocking small Black businesses from accessing no-interest to low-interest loans/subsidies.... I can go on.
That you was kinda big young lady.

But all that will have minimum effect if we own our own community. We are in better places financially and education wise than we were in the past.

We can do this.

I know about all the race riots. I gotta make more threads about it. But the reason the do this and burn shit down is to makes us reliant on them.
It’s the new buck breaking. A lot of people spirit broken so when doing for self is brought up.....it’s met with what happened in the past. Well what about where we are.
That you was kinda big young lady.

But all that will have minimum effect if we own our own community. We are in better places financially and education wise than we were in the past.

We can do this.

I know about all the race riots. I gotta make more threads about it. But the reason the do this and burn shit down is to makes us reliant on them.
It’s the new buck breaking. A lot of people spirit broken so when doing for self is brought up.....it’s met with what happened in the past. Well what about where we are.
That "you" was so big for emphasis because I know you know about that part of our history.

I disagree that A. those were race riots...that was genocide; and B. "burning shit down was to make us reliant on them"...it was to rid "them" of the strongest of Black men (in particular) and women so it would be easier to put us back in "our place" and so they wouldn't have any competition. Upwardly mobile, self-reliant Black people is THE biggest threat to so-called white supremecy. They don't want us to rely on them, they want to own/control us. Why do you think Jews/white folk love to invest so heavily in BLM/NAACP/other Black initiatives? It's because they want to control the narrative/optics. "He who holds the gold makes the rules".
That "you" was so big for emphasis because I know you know about that part of our history.

I disagree that A. those were race riots...that was genocide; and B. "burning shit down was to make us reliant on them"...it was to rid "them" of the strongest of Black men (in particular) and women so it would be easier to put us back in "our place" and so they wouldn't have any competition. Upwardly mobile, self-reliant Black people is THE biggest threat to so-called white supremecy. They don't want us to rely on them, they want to own/control us. Why do you think Jews/white folk love to invest so heavily in BLM/NAACP/other Black initiatives? It's because they want to control the narrative/optics. "He who holds the gold makes the rules".
And that's why I want to hold the gold and pass it to those who can teach.

While I agree with what you are saying I think if you destroy those who think they can be something then the others won't try.

No one really wants to be a leader now. And when someone does, we tear them down before white folk get s chance.

So controlling is reliant. Need someone to steer me...Because i have no direction. And if the person looks like me......Who the fuck he thinks he is? I seen black people trust a dumb white person before a smart black person. trump anyone?

It's sad we can't trust each other and that men look to women to lead them. But that's another convo.

Me personally.....I see all we can be..
That "you" was so big for emphasis because I know you know about that part of our history.

I disagree that A. those were race riots...that was genocide; and B. "burning shit down was to make us reliant on them"...it was to rid "them" of the strongest of Black men (in particular) and women so it would be easier to put us back in "our place" and so they wouldn't have any competition. Upwardly mobile, self-reliant Black people is THE biggest threat to so-called white supremecy. They don't want us to rely on them, they want to own/control us. Why do you think Jews/white folk love to invest so heavily in BLM/NAACP/other Black initiatives? It's because they want to control the narrative/optics. "He who holds the gold makes the rules".

That is an excellent point and I concur.

The Europeans and Arabs used the exact same tactics when raiding and later colonizing African kingdoms by enslaving or massacring most of the fittest men and persecuting the nobles, scholars or royals into complying into their religions if they ever wanted to live.

So that no native governing system might remains ever reliant again onto the top of the social ladder and self-organize better. You would be stunned if I told you that the Ethiopians and Malians weren't the only sub-Saharan African civilizations to own their own libraries and writing systems...
And that's why I want to hold the gold and pass it to those who can teach.

While I agree with what you are saying I think if you destroy those who think they can be something then the others won't try.

No one really wants to be a leader now. And when someone does, we tear them down before white folk get s chance.

So controlling is reliant. Need someone to steer me...Because i have no direction. And if the person looks like me......Who the fuck he thinks he is? I seen black people trust a dumb white person before a smart black person. trump anyone?

It's sad we can't trust each other and that men look to women to lead them. But that's another convo.

Me personally.....I see all we can be..

The African American community is often admonished by the rest of the Black Diaspora for their blindly individualistic ambitions while climbing the social ladder and their lack of unitary socio-economical and political ethos - to be short, the fact they can't get their act together - but if there has something of common amid every single community of African descent or African nation, this is their counterproductive political Messianism meddled into their actual hatred against positively charismatic leaders.

The crab's mindset has been too well embedded among us. We got that one exact same issue anywhere-- and many paid off of their lives because of this.
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The African American community is often admonished by the rest of the Black Diaspora for their blindly individualistic ambitions while climbing the social ladder and their lack of unitary socio-economical and political ethos - to be short, the fact they can't get their act together - but if there has something of common amid ebery single community of African descent or African nation, this is their counterproductive political Messianism pitted meddled into their actual hatred against positively charismatic leaders.

The crab's mindset has been too well embedded among us. We got that one exact same issue anywhere-- and many paid off of their lives because of this.
Let me think on this.
you kinda right......But I want to articulate why and also why your a bit wrong.

i have a terrible headache.
It all depends about the country, epoch and zeiteigeist at these times.

In some countries, Jews and Blacks were friendly. In others, they were not. And in few others, they became undistinguishable from each other yet still regarded non-Abrahamic aligned populations with spite. We can tall the same about pretty much any "black"-or-darker-skinned-to-white intersocial relationships in recorded History since as far as the Middle Bronze Age, perhaps even since the mid-to-late IIIrd millenium BC in the ancient Near East and Europe.

From an overall hindsight, it's complicated: they started being so religiously guided by the notion to hate "Hamitic" and mixed "Hamitic-Semitic" nations whose especially Canaan, Chaldea, Ismaelites, Midianites and most above all the Phillistines, Egypt and Kush that their priestly and later rabbinical scholars had practically fashioned some crucial noxious elements that will later numbers amid the earliest roots of anti-black Racism in both the Western and Eastern worlds.

The whole "Curse of Ham" , "Mark of Cain" and "Downfall of the Nephilim" myths-- and the historical damage it caused, started out with their religious liturgy and folklore.
The colonial cliché of the tyrannical, manchildish and bloodlusted god-ruler ahead of a backwards and decadent tribe and his procession of witch-doctors started out with the intoxicating portrayal of pharaonic Egypt (an African "Hamitic" nation) his god-ruler and magician-priests as such in the Book of Exodus. And if today sexually promiscuous narcopaths amid black men are so often libelled as "Jezebels" by both the black American Christians and white owned both media & arts that its original racially-neutral using has fallen into desuetude nowadays, it's because both black Christians and white American people preconsciously mirrored these dark-skinned, gaunty, overly makeup-embellished voluptuous vamps with a more ancient voluptuous and self-sufficient vamp of "Hamitic" stock from Biblical memory, the Phoenician-born Queen of Judah Jezebel infamous for her religious persecutions against Yahveh-worshipping Hebrews and hericide conspiracies against more legitimate scions of the House of David.

The cliché of the naked cannibalistic dark-skinned jungle/bush savage that permeates in various Eurasian cultures, although has already its (obviously Negrophobic, anti-Dravidian) antics in Hindu mythology (via the Mlecchas and later portrayals of the demonic Rakshas as jet-black skinned with thick curly hair and stereotypized Veddoid features opposite to the "fair" skinned Devas-- in spite historical records by both Indian chroniclers and medieval European travellers including Marco Polo that mentions it used to be the contrary in south India and assumedly originally such anywhere in earlier times) , its Western counterparts can be found through his Arabic and Jewish roots via the Arab slave trade but most above all the gnawing influence of the priaptically endowed, naked herbivore Kushite bush savage illustrated by 6th century Jewish prophet Jeremiah's words in his titular book.

And again, the first racially offensive statements libelling black men as closer to the ape than Men has started out, again, with Talmudic scholars in the 2nd century A.D. .

However, given that no people has a hive-mind, the initial enmity against Blacks has varied from almost nonexistent to relativelly innocuous or restrained to unbridled depending the sociocultural context at times. Yet, for some odd reasons, both Christian, Islamic and even atheistic Blacks hold more grudges against Jews for the very many downsides of these past five centuries of close interrelationships than the rest of white people who weren't any better because "jEwS kILLeD jEsUs" (Christians's excuse about their bigotry) or "bEcAuSe tHe jEwRy rUlEs eCoNoMy aNd pOlItIcs" (Moslems's excuse... which is a nonsense given that they didn't mind having Jews controlling economy and educational enlightement in much any Islamic empire north of the Sahara and in Western Asia. Neither to have a Quraych tribesman who reportedly get versed into mystical arcanes by Jews and being himself of part Hebraic ancestry as their most beloved prophet) and-- well, fuck these atheistic hypocrites for as much as I know, they're not even religious so why being religiously bigoted?

Well. My two cents.

I have to say the Muslims do have a legitimate gripe about the Jew's being greedy. Capitalism is an Islamic Economic System, and they HATED the Jews being a part of it. 1 thing is that Muslims never charged Interest, they believed it was a "hram"--forbidden, because Interest equals Greed. Jews, on the other hand, didn't give a shit. They charged Interest on GOLD. This was why Muslims chased them out of the Bazaar on a regular. Fast forward to now, and who's running the Financial District all around the World, esp here in the U.$?

That is an excellent point and I concur.

The Europeans and Arabs used the exact same tactics when raiding and later colonizing African kingdoms by enslaving or massacring most of the fittest men and persecuting the nobles, scholars or royals into complying into their religions if they ever wanted to live.

So that no native governing system might remains ever reliant again onto the top of the social ladder and self-organize better. You would be stunned if I told you that the Ethiopians and Malians weren't the only sub-Saharan African civilizations to own their own libraries and writing systems...

Ethiopia is also the only Afrikan Nation that has never been Colonized. The Italians occupied it at one point, but got ran outta that BYTCH with Sticks & Stones.

Ethiopians don't fuck around.
I have to say the Muslims do have a legitimate gripe about the Jew's being greedy. Capitalism is an Islamic Economic System, and they HATED the Jews being a part of it. 1 thing is that Muslims never charged Interest, they believed it was a "hram"--forbidden, because Interest equals Greed. Jews, on the other hand, didn't give a shit. They charged Interest on GOLD. This was why Muslims chased them out of the Bazaar on a regular. Fast forward to now, and who's running the Financial District all around the World, esp here in the U.$?

The WASPs, British Anglo-Saxons and Jews in a nutshell.

The triumvirate of worldwide capitalistic financial neopotism, since the Frenchs and Germans had lost their gripe. The Saudis, Iranians and Chinese might replace the two latter ones sooner or later, though.

Ethiopia is also the only Afrikan Nation that has never been Colonized. The Italians occupied it at one point, but got ran outta that BYTCH with Sticks & Stones.

Ethiopians don't fuck around.

Actually, it is kind of a propagand-ish half-truth.

Aksum (Abyssinia) and Southern Arabian kingdoms had interchangeably managed to switch each other's roles as respectively metropole and proxy/ies prior that Zoscales made of his kingdom a cultural proxy to the Greek oecumenia and Red Sea trading polities via Roman Egypt in early 2nd century CE.

Then in 4th century, Christian Aksum became one if the few African polities to concede themselves into foreign Roman policy by acting de facto as vassal states to the Roman Empire, alongside the Ajan Empire aka Azania (the East African shoreline and remote parts of Inner Africa) that get previously vassalized by the Aksumites in late 3rd century, the Nobae (Nubas) , Blemmyaes (Medjays/Bejas) and Garamantes (Fezzan, Central Sahel and Northern Central Africa) ; likely to pre-emptively dissuade the Parthians from conquerring further east and south of East Arabia and Oman by vassalizing Arabia Felix and Eastern Africa, I presume.

Otherwise, yea they have more or less haven't been occupied at a longer extent than the rest of Africa, although we can pretty much tell that the Europeans, Arabs and sometimes Ottomans had a lot if difficulty to deal with historical Nubia, the coasts of Western Africa as well as Central Africa.

How much time did Sudan, Benin, Nigeria, Niger, the Congos and the rest of Inner Africa get wholly occupied? Barely seventy to ninety years? Afterward, white folks get booted right to the ocean and had to send at multiple instances green berets, NAVY Seals and professional killers to deal with machete-yielding bush guerilleros and spear-yielding pastoralists who were reportedly invulnerable to bullets or secret societies of Shinobi-like witch-doctors-slash-assassins-slash-supersoldiers in leopard skin in the middle of the rainforest, reports about mystical men in Angola who survived getting buried and squashed alive by catepillars from bigoted Portugese colonists and Boer mercenaries with no damage besides having their cloth screwed up by dirt and other "Tarzan" or "King Solomon's Mines" type of fucked-up wonders??

People just don't fuck with Africa. Ethiopia is just the most obvious for being the one nation uphill upon a chain of mountains-- and also because of the major contribution they prodigued to the Allies against Fascist Italy in WW2 as well as the afterwar food crisis in Western counries and just the overall fascination about an African nation being able to humiliate the Italians twice.