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Why y'all niggas scurred to be great?


Active Member
Why does it seem like folk in general and negroes in particular need some particular outside source to come save they ass ???

Whether it's Jesus coming to save, the next presidential elect you voted for, or the next great black leader we need. There's always some external shit to be leaned on. Don't lean on me my nigga ??. Not saying to be cold hearted but damn.

How about being self reliant doing for self and saving your own soul lol

Everybody need a daddy whether you a 'child' of God or the gov is your faja. That next black leader may not be coming to hold niggas hands.
Why does it seem like folk in general and negroes in particular need some particular outside source to come save they ass ???

Whether it's Jesus coming to save, the next presidential elect you voted for, or the next great black leader we need. There's always some external shit to be leaned on. Don't lean on me my nigga ??. Not saying to be cold hearted but damn.

How about being self reliant doing for self and saving your own soul lol

Everybody need a daddy whether you a 'child' of God or the gov is your faja. That next black leader may not be coming to hold niggas hands.
Lemme know when you run for political office so I can donate
As far as religion is concerned, it's not surprising people around the world construct some kind of savior, some kind of narrative or force to help them cope with the absurdity of existence. Makes the unknown not only make sense, but gives them some kind of control or foresight.

Wouldn't be a stretch for that kind of mentality to permeate throughout other areas of their life.

Okay so you're saying it's human nature for people to have the inability to lead THEMSELVES
We are social begins at the end of the day. Humans have depended on each other since day one. One of our greatest strengths was realizing how weak we are individually.
Scared to be great?

Shit, have you met dos?
Nigga, bleeds greatness.
Has his own theme music and can say fuck politics and change the weather by going home ....Depending on which home he wants to go home to.
Nah not new to it at all lol. The shit sad though when you really think about the shit, cuz it's heavy manipulation and bs in the game.

It’s actually human nature.
most folks really on others. You spend your entire childhood relaying on somebody else.

Humans ain’t lizards.

you depended on someone that’s how you became an adult
OP sounds like a long winded "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" rhetoric. I've said it before niggas are really way more conservative and have right wing talking points more than they wanna admit

Wtf is wrong with pulling self up with own bootstrap lol. I'm not against gov assistance if needed but damn. At the end of the day thats your highest level of security.

And I don't do the whole partisan, political shit really I just think for self. I'm sure many of my thoughts may sound more conservative or liberal depending on what it is. I'm not locked into no black =liberal/Democrat mentality. For one I damn sure would be considered more conservative when it comes to my guns.