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OPINION Fellas, would you treat your date AND her friend when you go out??

This needs context. Are we out grabbing a bite as a trio after a movie or something? Or is she at home, I'm on a 2nd date with the dude, and I invite her ass to join? Cause there are levels to it.

If we're getting a meal together, he asks for the bill and when the waiter asks if it will be split or joint, my guy says "I'm paying for her, she's covering her own" as he points to my friend, then yeah that's tacky af and probably not the kinda man I want to be with if he's that petty. I'm like that with friends too though, I don't like people who make a big thing about bills. I'm cool with getting the bill or taking turns to make it more simple.
More context is needed and I had a whole list of when this is and isn’t acceptable but it’s concise and takes away from OP

I will say this however, the last sentences caught my eye more than the first.
‘If you treat me, you need to treat her. Period.’ This seems to extend beyond eating. As if I’m buying dual gifts and we all taking trips to AC and the like together

I’m assume based off her tone we all fucking so........
More context is needed and I had a whole list of when this is and isn’t acceptable but it’s concise and takes away from OP

I will say this however, the last sentences caught my eye more than the first.
‘If you treat me, you need to treat her. Period.’ This seems to extend beyond eating. As if I’m buying dual gifts and we all taking trips to AC and the like together

I’m assume based off her tone we all fucking so........
it could be taken in so many different ways lol

and where is the line drawn? if my best friend and prospective maid of honor is in town and I'm taking her to dinner with my man and about to reach for the bill, and he insists on taking the bill, yet makes the exclusion that he isn't paying for her portion? I'd review what kinda person he is. I'd say the same thing if I was in a same-sex relationship too. Petty and stingy behavior is unbecoming of anyone.
If I was getting pussy from both maybe... just maybe... other then that, this is America jack, no such thing as a free lunch
it really depends on how much money i got....

but let me offer....don't assume shit
I am strange when it comes to these things. But I will pay for the friend. I have a bigger problem when I go out with another couple and one bill comes and people start to talk about I only ate this and that. It is a bill. We split it 50/50 I am not going to analyze who had the 3rd drink. At that point I just pay the bill and tell her we are not eating with that couple again. People please don’t leave her house without an expectation of what your pocket can handle. Also if one of my Bretheren are in town and I say w going out then I am paying. You are in my town it is like being in my house. Most of my people feel the same way when I visit them. Now there are some that don’t have it and we deal with it differently but there is an art to hosting. You are a host if she asks can a girl join you at dinner unless you are the type that wasn’t paying for your girls dinner either.
I am strange when it comes to these things. But I will pay for the friend. I have a bigger problem when I go out with another couple and one bill comes and people start to talk about I only ate this and that. It is a bill. We split it 50/50 I am not going to analyze who had the 3rd drink. At that point I just pay the bill and tell her we are not eating with that couple again. People please don’t leave her house without an expectation of what your pocket can handle. Also if one of my Bretheren are in town and I say w going out then I am paying. You are in my town it is like being in my house. Most of my people feel the same way when I visit them. Now there are some that don’t have it and we deal with it differently but there is an art to hosting. You are a host if she asks can a girl join you at dinner unless you are the type that wasn’t paying for your girls dinner either.
funny thing is a poster recently hit me up about being in bmore and doing brunch....
i just directed them to some nice spots.....

i knew i ain't have it like that at the time and i wasn't even gonna stress it. Only way I come out is if my pockets right.....
he chooses women who are, by definition, not choosy. take from that what you will.
It’s a question of some sort but more of a assumption on the females he chooses. (DTF)

Lol...I've stated before..I'm bad at my pick up game. A flaw I recognize and supplement, most aint got the self awareness to do. But I do this by using the long game to ease women into who I am and what I'm about.

So by the time "I'm" spending money on them

:chile:Best believe i done put in enough effort for this to end in some kinda sexual release.

And I'll be damn if I agree to u bringing a home girl along if she ain't down wit the assist.

I don't play those fucking games. I ain't one of these new niggaz that chick put "food" as my name in her phone
Lol...I've stated before..I'm bad at my pick up game. A flaw I recognize and supplement, most aint got the self awareness to do. But I do this by using the long game to ease women into who I am and what I'm about.

So by the time "I'm" spending money on them

:chile:Best believe i done put in enough effort for this to end in some kinda sexual release.

And I'll be damn if I agree to u bringing a home girl along if she ain't down wit the assist.

I don't play those fucking games. I ain't one of these new niggaz that chick put "food" as my name in her phone
you the type of nigga to pick up a crackhead streetwalka cuz she seems like she'd be dtf for a warm meal.

scusts me
you the type of nigga to pick up a crackhead streetwalka cuz she seems like she'd be dtf for a warm meal.

scusts me
Ur making assumptions that because I don't take BS from a woman, that my options are limited. Basically saying that in order for my options to not be limited, I have to take BS from a woman.


Look here sista, I'm handsome..I got enough bread, got a car, a place to stay, and I'm charming.

Here's anotha jewel..I got plenty of female relatives, and let me tell u something.

If anyone's options are limited...

:chile: It's y'all

I'm one of the few niggaz that understand this

I ain't jumping for no frog
funny thing is a poster recently hit me up about being in bmore and doing brunch....
i just directed them to some nice spots.....

i knew i ain't have it like that at the time and i wasn't even gonna stress it. Only way I come out is if my pockets right.....
But you are an honest person. You don’t act like you have it like that. So if I was coming you way I would let you know off the top that it is on me and do something appropriate. I know he likes beer let’s hit up a spot that has good beer that doesn’t cost a lot. When you are cool with someone things are that simple. There are times that people invite me and my wife to things and I just say nope we can’t do that. People should know their playing field so t9 speak.