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Chadwick Boseman Dies From Cancer

I dont wanna speculate on what he was thinking and feeling but, if I put my self in shoes for a second, I can see how he could have found out he had cancer, and when faced with his mortality, he decided to work super hard so he could leave a legacy and never be forgotten.

That shit is powerful and super heartbreaking.

He succeeded though. His roles over the last 4 years, headlined by black panther, will make it so hes not forgotten for a long ass times.

This shit is wild.
Agreed. He went full icon in his last days
Whoever knew and kept it secret deserves flowers also

In this day and age where every bowel moment has to be posted on a social media, it shows the amount of respect they had for him to not run and tell that.

Ppl really underestimate the ability to walk into the next chapter on your own terms. Chadwick did that and didn't allow the world to pity him or to decide how he should go

Lotta respect for this man yo. Shit is depressing as hell
I was always wondering why he didn't look as happy as he should have been with his career taking off.

Here I thought he was ungrateful but he was going thru this.

Damn. I apologize for saying that shit.

I used to watch black panther everyday for weeks working from home.

Damn RIP
The man is a icon. Forever and always. He will always be a huge part of the culture. Deserving of nothing but the upmost of respect. My daughter was almost in tears earlier. Going to the movies to see Black Panther was such a event for us. I hope he was a peace with himself when he went. The fact that he’s just ten years older than me fucks me up even more. Do what you can while you can.
smh I been doing my self tho. Its hard not to because dude was gonna RUN the MCU for the next 2 decades. They woulda made like ten Black Panther sequels.

This is almost like if Jordan died right after the 2nd or 3rd ring. Sports fans would be like "Oh my God - what if?" forever.

The man was the leading star of a Black film that made $700 million dollars in Amerikkka........

I think their only option is to bring back Michael B. Jordan and make him Black Panther somehow. Magic, infinity gems, alien tech, whatever, its comic books.

i like michael b jordan but nah homie cant play this role and it should be left alone until they find someone more suitable .
It's not the time to speculate about what Marvel does with Black Panther. The body ain't even cold yet and nerds are showing their asses.

Yea, but it's expected

we don't really kno bruh & that's arguably his defining role, what most folks recognize him as

wanna keep the legacy intact

but yea, ain't really worried bout that shit now

jus how shockin & outta left field the news came for both of em

still processing w/ Kobe smh

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