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What if you were swallowed by a whale?

That's nightmare fuel. Murky water makes me feel like something is always lurking beneath the surface. Just looks vulnerable sitting in a boat or swimming knowing I could be eaten or crushed by a sea animal. Or my paranoia.

? ? ?
I remember walking into a museum as a kid and they had a model of a whale on tha ceiling of tha museum...that bitch was tha size of tha whole fuckinā€™ ceiling....looking up at that always fucked me up cuz I couldnā€™t image being in some water and seeing some shit that big floating above me smh
I don't fuck with open water like that so this would never be a plausibility in my life.

And anybody who believes that jonah and the whale story in the Bible is goofy.

these religious fundamentalists do lol

one of my old homies did & tried to tell me there was oxygen inside the whale's stomach

I'm like how?

he said the blowhole when it comes up for air

bruh, that's the lungs, not connected to the stomach

he didn't/doesn't care

fundamentalist have no room for facts