COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

We got a lot of dudes in the community that brag about being killers. How is it that none of these killer cops get touched? I mean we've seen a few dudes kill random cops, but as far as I know all these cops that have actually murdered black people are still living happy, healthy, and free. I can't tell no one to be come a killer, but come on, niggas can shoot up houses and kill innocent black kids, but can't go after murderers like this dude?
You act like these niggaz vigilantes for Justice.

They kill for money and personal disputes...

You wanna street niggaz to be the answer to police violence, then you gonna have to pay them like they guns for hire...

You ain't gonna get a nigga who don't care about his own life to care about all black lives
i had been praying for a Punisher style vigilante to pop up at some point and deal with these fools but life can't be a comic book.
How could this be considered anything other than 1st degree murder?

Dude said I can't breathe. The bystanders pleaded with him to get up. What other conclusion can you come to other than that cop intended to kill the man?

1st degree has to prove intent. Like he woke up that day wit the intent to kill someone.

Now one can say he intentionally put his knee on his neck to kill him. But the defense will probably argue that its "standard" departmental procedure when arresting a suspect who's resisting.

From my understanding...2nd degree or even Manslaughter could be the right charge if you trying to get a conviction. Charging him wit 1st degree will only confuse the jury. Next thing you know, they end up wit a not guilty or hung jury.
Answer your own prayers and do it yourself

easier said than done. See it ain't enough to just murk a few corrupt cops and call it a day. they gotta fear you more than they wanna kill whoever they apprehending at the moment. plus we can't have ignit negros acting like their untouchable because cops are scared to arrest folks. This has to be an orchestrated hit that goes on long enough to make politicians make laws bringing this to an end. otherwise its just going to be business as usual after the black punisher gets caught or killed.

So nope can't be me. I don't have the fucked up enough mentality nor the skills, nor the hardware to pull something like this off on a large enough scale it change history. a nigga can dream tho.