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Bad Little Boy Goes Off on Cops & Store Security

Cops arrested a 6 year old in GA for acting up in class and she begged the whole time and she wasn’t let go. Many times it does not matter how you act with them and y’all already know this
I have to question are some of yall actually currently raising black boys?

Maybe this needs it's own thread, but I'm so tired of screaming and empty threats being looked at as some tough shit, especially when it's done by men (which the boy will be one day)

Maybe in the burbs that shit fly, but I'm an Eastside Detroit nigga. We ain't do that shit when I was coming up because it's weak behavior. You're trying to scare your threat by being loud and irrational

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I smacked my son in the back of the head the other day for telling my auntie to shut before he kick her.

I’m tired of seeing lil kids popping off at adults. When did that shit become cool
Where is all this respect the cops thing coming from? You think he spazzed on teachers or his parents? On one hand y’all say express self then other hand it’s act right and show no feelings because it’s the cops. And then y’all taking it further assuming he just gonna spazz on every authority figure.

The police in this situation did a good job considering I didn’t see any adults with the little kid
You hit the nail on the head when you said 90% of the time it's a reaction.

The reaction is what I see needs to be handled differently. Like I said early, we really got this whole going off = being strong mindset right now and that ain't it.

True strength and courage comes in your reaction to difficulty. I don't think anyone can call brother Malcom weak or docile, and you never heard him carry on in a certain way. He spoke his mind and stood by it without empty threats and drama.

That's one thing we a definitely getting wrong these days.

I'ma be that guy and say it, so many of us were raised by women, that we have inherited a lot of their emotional traits without having the opposite energy of a positive male to balance it out. The strongest, most G'd up, most leadership minded men are usually the ones who can control their emotions under pressure. That's a forgotten skillset in our community. Understandably so

In this case he is 10 tho expecting emotional maturity from a kid who knows he been wronged and taught not to trust police?

don’t you think having to mute yourself does damage. If we take it further say he bottles it up and takes frustration out on others which happens with a lot of men and yes even the ones with fathers.
Bruh relax his threat was too police niggas in every state talk shot to police I’m sure y’all do in Detroit. You trying to put his shit talking to the cops in the same vein as talking shit to niggas on the street and we know it’s not. Why you assuming he would get buck with a random stranger on the street anyway. It’s not the same as police officer.

I think it's safe to assume that if he's poppin off on the cops he will pop off on the average person who he disagrees with.

At 10 yrs old he ain't thinkin "ok, I respect everybody else, but fuck these cops". You really think he's making that distinction?
I think it's safe to assume that if he's poppin off on the cops he will pop off on the average person who he disagrees with.

At 10 yrs old he ain't thinkin "ok, I respect everybody else, but fuck these cops". You really think he's making that distinction?

We can’t say he does not make that distinction cuz we don’t know. It’s kids who popped on one teacher but not another. I just don’t feel cops need to get that same respect. You should be able to do your job and still get cussed out
In this case he is 10 tho expecting emotional maturity from a kid who knows he been wronged and taught not to trust police?

don’t you think having to mute yourself does damage. If we take it further say he bottles it up and takes frustration out on others which happens with a lot of men and yes even the ones with fathers.

It can't be both ways. On one hand yall praising him for putting himself in an adult situation, but on the other hand falling behind him being a child.

Which one is it? He's a child and since you admitting his lack in emotional maturity, that means he should be guided and not patted on the back for such behavior.

Yall really think all the "I should smack one of yall" is ok for a child to say to ANY adult?

Damn I can't believe some of this shit I'm reading in here. I see it like this, in life you gotta pick and choose your battles. Whether it be the cops, a teacher, a store clerk, a bank teller - whoever, somebody is going to say or do some shit you don't like.

You can address it (and should) without the extra shit. When it comes to kids and adults, the so called checking should come from other adults.
A principal tried to have my son arrested at age 5.

I got to the school in time.

Plus the officer didn't agree the child needed to be arrested.

I told everyone that day that if I ever come in this school and see my child in handcuffs someone ain't gonna make that day.... And I'm 100% cool with that being me cuz I will gladly take a bullet to not see my 5 year old in cuffs....

We had to get him out that school, but the same promise stands. I go to his school as much as I do because y'all call me if he acts up. Call me.

Don't call no police on my child. I will burn this entire building down. I know where my son gets his rage from. I just know how to control myself. But throw my kid in cuffs..... Everybody catching it.. No fucks given. And trust me, they not ready for that shit
You never once in your life went to the store without an adult as a kid?

I been to the corner store or gas station by the crib by myself when I was real young

but son looked like he was a big retail store at 10 by himself.

that shit is irresponsible.
It can't be both ways. On one hand yall praising him for putting himself in an adult situation, but on the other hand falling behind him being a child.

Which one is it? He's a child and since you admitting his lack in emotional maturity, that means he should be guided and not patted on the back for such behavior.

Yall really think all the "I should smack one of yall" is ok for a child to say to ANY adult?

Damn I can't believe some of this shit I'm reading in here. I see it like this, in life you gotta pick and choose your battles. Whether it be the cops, a teacher, a store clerk, a bank teller - whoever, somebody is going to say or do some shit you don't like.

You can address it (and should) without the extra shit. When it comes to kids and adults, the so called checking should come from other adults.

I get all that and I agree but I’m not about to point to this boy and use him as the example of bad black parenting like I’m seeing here. The way we operated with police ain’t the same as theirs these kids grew up seeing bad police because news is more widespread. Their Rodney Kings are in social media
So let's take a step back here.

First, the whole premise is that the boy was disrespected. How?
He says "they thought I was stealing". He then admits they found a bunch of stolen shit on his homey. That's a lesson in itself to teach our youngins not to move around ppl that are likely to get you in a wrong place wrong time situation.

So if he's moving with a thief, it's not unreasonable to question whether or not he is stealing too in that moment.

Second, we all know there's a lot of scary cowardly and piece of shit cops out here. That's not our kids fight, it's ours. We shouldn't be placing them in adult situations where their defiance could backfire. As you stated, innocent black children are being gunned down, there's no need make the probability even worse by issuing empty threats. I wouldn't really care if this were an adult, but we're talking about a child here.

Last, this ain't lettin your nuts hang. When I see males carrying on like this it reeks of feminine energy
I do understand your perspective

I just disagree

It’s everybody fight and I got more faith in the kids to stand tall.

He’s 10. He’s emotional and scared, not feminine

He’s been kidnapped.

We’ve normalized some this so much, nobody sees the issue in them overstepping. Feel it’s our job to be responsible. And that’s cool but the line not being set so they know we destroy too.
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You scream on the cops and they leave you alone because you're a woman
They ignored his antics because he's a child

Understand that when he becomes a young black man, that likely won't work for him

We have to be very aware of the space we can put ourselves in. You just stated why are black boys rushed into adulthood, that's exactly what he's doing here, putting himself in an adult place

Black women are killed by cops, soooooo no this doesnt work for me

also hes 10. Im sure he will learn how to assert himself in a more productive ways.

im just not silencing him tho, his voice is necessary