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Führer Trump’s Impeachment Inquiry Thread. Update: The Senate completes the coverup

Only way Trump gets kicked out of office is if Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani, or Rick Perry come out with hard evidence proving what he’s impeached for or worse. There’s no incentive for them to do so though, unless it’s someone like Bolton who doesn’t really like Trump or if Trump starts throwing niggas under the bus.
Let’s be honest. The senate is a Republican majority. They won’t vote for impeachment & he’s gonna remain president. What has to happen is this dude gets voted out. That the fact that he is the 3rd ever president to get impeached impact his re-election chances. That and a democratic candidate needs to emerge that the people can rally behind. Cuz a fate worse than having Trump become president is having him go through all this shit and get re-elected. Effectively validating everything he and everyone like him stands for.
He ain’t gettin removed because republicans are spineless but feels good to get this in the history books. 3rd president in history right? Is he melting down on twitter yet?
The word is since the Senate is Republicans there gonna throw this shit out but I don't understand if that's the case why are they all freaking out what am I missing

Nobody wants to be impeached but also in the senate its a damn if you do damn if you dont situation...

Just quickly throw the shit out with no witnesses or discussion then you alienate a lot of undecided voters who want to know exactly what happened...

Do a long trial and trump will surely perjure himself or one of the witnesses are going to testify against him
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