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i think ya'll giving Tyrion too much credit

true, he is smart, but a lot of his decisions basically stem from resentment
Why should he be discredited cuz he has resentment lol

i'll give him his act of compassion for not sleeping with Sansa who is a child

but jamie let Tyrion go when they were looking for him for their fathers murder on top of the other shit he's done
i'll give him his act of compassion for not sleeping with Sansa who is a child

but jamie let Tyrion go when they were looking for him for their fathers murder on top of the other shit he's done
What does that have to do with having a heart and being the weak link vs having a heart and being a strong character
What does that have to do with having a heart and being the weak link vs having a heart and being a strong character

the discussion is Jamie is a weak character to you all for the reasons that i stated. I dont think it makes him a weak character, just that he has a heart. Ya'll then started talking about Tyrion.
the discussion is Jamie is a weak character to you all for the reasons that i stated. I dont think it makes him a weak character, just that he has a heart. Ya'll then started talking about Tyrion.
So Jamie isnt weak because he let his brother let his brother go after he murdered his father? That sounds weak by Lanister standards to me.
He's for the most part is a pawn.
i'll give him his act of compassion for not sleeping with Sansa who is a child

but jamie let Tyrion go when they were looking for him for their fathers murder on top of the other shit he's done
Tyrion was always the outcast of the family due to being a dwarf. He always had his own set of principles and could stand up to anyone. Jaime, an even cersei to an extent, couldn't escape that Lannister name. Even when jaime knew things were wrong he doesn't really do shit to stop it (throwing bran out the tower, letting cersei run amok). Tyrion straight up switched sides cuz he knew them niggas was bogus.

Until jaime does what he knows he needs to do and be the queenslayer, he always gon be weak to me.
Dude doesn't even deserve that kingslayer title which he's been eating off of, you shouldn't get props for sneaking up and stabbing somebody in the back. Get this dude the hell outta here.
Dude doesn't even deserve that kingslayer title which he's been eating off of, you shouldn't get props for sneaking up and stabbing somebody in the back. Get this dude the hell outta here.

Let's just call the muthafucca for what he is...a bitch. Cersei's bitch at that.
i'll give him his act of compassion for not sleeping with Sansa who is a child

but jamie let Tyrion go when they were looking for him for their fathers murder on top of the other shit he's done

Tywin had his murder coming plus Cersei told him about fucking Jaime. He wouldve had them killed like asap
@King of GA

This is where House Stark White Walkers rules

After seeing Tyrion be worried about his brother last episode and him being chastised by Danny I can see him switching sides in the future. Since the old lady admitted to poising that bastard Joffrey
here we were, a modest 16 pages on ABW

this shit bout to be to 100 by the time i get off...watch