So your GF or Wife goes on “girls trip” and is caught on video grindin’ on some roided up Odell lookalike at a beach party.. WWYD?

It's all about respect and trust. If your woman respects you as her man, then she ain't out there like that. Matter of fact, she's prolly not even out like that with her single friends 'cause she knows that can put her in a foul situation. Chicks with a man/husband move differently than the single broads, same for dudes.

all this is true....i just know not to throw that jacket on everybody

this chick looks to be in her 20's.....and is obviously trying to have some fun while knowing she's in the wrong....probably forcing some relationship neither one of them really wanted to be stuck in

she and whoever her man is know who she is and whats important to her in life right now

it aint respect and trust lol

My ex was cute as hell with a runners body. When we were just dating she went to the club with her friends all the time. After we locked it down and made it exclusive that shit stopped. If she wanted to go out she would have me go with her unless I just really didn't feel like it, then I'd tell her to go with her friends. She treated us being together basically like we were married.

if you aint married, you single

but good job
That’s a terrible reflection of the relationship and shows how much she values it. It doesn’t make her a horrible person but i’m probably moving on without her.

Beautiful women with high character do exist, you don’t have to settle for wild promiscuity just because she “bad” ... unless you into cuck shit lol
That’s a terrible reflection of the relationship and shows how much she values it. It doesn’t make her a horrible person but i’m probably moving on without her.

Beautiful women with high character do exist, you don’t have to settle for wild promiscuity just because she “bad” ... unless you into cuck shit lol

yeah dont get me wrong....they're out there

they just aint randomly running off and shakin ass on strangers

my point is people are who they are when you meet them

she's BEEN a partier, a clubber, a drinker, and what have you

my wife has never been into that....its not in her dna...if it wasnt for that fact, I couldnt just say "oh she would never do this"

if your girlfriend likes to twerk in the livingroom, she didnt learn yesterday and you aint the only one she did/does it for lol
What would I do?

1. Break up with her soon as I see it without even hearing her explanation.
2. Grab a bottle every night for a while, hold back tears and shit.
3. In 6 months at the most I bounce back like nothing happened.
Real talk though, imagine letting your girl go out of town to party with her girls and not expect this to happen.

You decide to be in a relationship with a chick that goes out and party alot that means you decide to be ok with some cheating.
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Real talk though, imagine letting your girl go out of town to party with her girls and not expect this to happy.

You decide to be in a relationship with a chick that goes out and party alot that means you decide to be ok with some partying.

one can party and not cheat. It's really not that hard to do.

All this really means is you know what a person is like before you exclusively date them. No one forces you go be in a relationship. Either you young and didnt pick up on the signs, in which you learn from that, or you cool with a little bit of cheating on the sign.

Dont get caught up on the word "party"
So you text your girl and told her how to respond, she called you a weirdo but did it, and now you showing it.

Sad what the internet makes people do
You hatin for reasons idk lol

ya'll got matching beads, G?


I bought her bracelet to match mine

I thought I was being cute in 2011