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So Tariq Nasheed Is Pro Trump Now?

Sike I lied. I'll make this my last post.

Niggas talkin bout listening to offers...besides the fact that none of you are in rooms with anybody of importance to decide what offers to take and reject, lmao @ expecting these old white ppl who we've already established do not give a fuck about us to have full plans ready to go. Why tf are yall waiting for them to tell us anything. You wana take orders or dictate? It's 40 million black ppl and 10 of us in here cant even agree on what the point of this thread is. But let's sit back and wait for benevolent whitey to tell us the answers.

Next point...How familiar are the "tangibles" and "reparations 2020" folk with the reparations bill HR40? Have you read it? How familiar are you with any of the ppl that helped write it? Have you shared it with your people? If you disagreed with some or all of it, have you reached out to anyone to amend it or present a better option? What's ADOS official stance on the bill? They support it or nah? If they do why havent any candidates been gotten to about it?
Yall cant shield yourselves behind "we building" "this is is business" while bypassing giving your input on work being done just so you can complain online if the product doesn't come out the way you want it to.

Instead of tariq, boyce, yvette and whoever else fighting amongst each other and holding conferences every other week to get black ppl "on code", these niggas have the combined audience and influence to start their own PAC. Asking for 1 dollar donations per follower to get started. Why these niggas ain't put they differences aside and made they own official black policy? Bring THAT information to the conferences. Not charging ppl at the door to regurgitate shit we already know. Solutions not reminders. When enough ppl agree on the policy, shop it to politicians. Tell em here is our agenda about the reforms we want and actions we want taken. We open to negotiation but no endorsement means no vote. But that sounds too much like work so of course niggas not doin it.

I'm not even lookin for a response to this. Either you overstand it or you dont.
Throwing money isn't a cure all because people still need to know what to do with said money or else it just goes right back out the community.

Very true and I agree but at the same time. Can't hold everybody hand forever. No matter what type of financial education some get or with many people already knowing better they still going to fuck that money up no matter what.

I get what where you coming from though
Sike I lied. I'll make this my last post.

Niggas talkin bout listening to offers...besides the fact that none of you are in rooms with anybody of importance to decide what offers to take and reject, lmao @ expecting these old white ppl who we've already established do not give a fuck about us to have full plans ready to go. Why tf are yall waiting for them to tell us anything. You wana take orders or dictate? It's 40 million black ppl and 10 of us in here cant even agree on what the point of this thread is. But let's sit back and wait for benevolent whitey to tell us the answers.

Next point...How familiar are the "tangibles" and "reparations 2020" folk with the reparations bill HR40? Have you read it? How familiar are you with any of the ppl that helped write it? Have you shared it with your people? If you disagreed with some or all of it, have you reached out to anyone to amend it or present a better option? What's ADOS official stance on the bill? They support it or nah? If they do why havent any candidates been gotten to about it?
Yall cant shield yourselves behind "we building" "this is is business" while bypassing giving your input on work being done just so you can complain online if the product doesn't come out the way you want it to.

Instead of tariq, boyce, yvette and whoever else fighting amongst each other and holding conferences every other week to get black ppl "on code", these niggas have the combined audience and influence to start their own PAC. Asking for 1 dollar donations per follower to get started. Why these niggas ain't put they differences aside and made they own official black policy? Bring THAT information to the conferences. Not charging ppl at the door to regurgitate shit we already know. Solutions not reminders. When enough ppl agree on the policy, shop it to politicians. Tell em here is our agenda about the reforms we want and actions we want taken. We open to negotiation but no endorsement means no vote. But that sounds too much like work so of course niggas not doin it.

I'm not even lookin for a response to this. Either you overstand it or you dont.

I think, well Tariq has said that those things that you want will be discussed at the conference he's having. I am sure Boyce has classes on economics and what to do with your money. Yvette has chapters that are talking about what to do come elections.

What you are asking for, those people are already doing. Charging at the door, Tariq has stated, your donation is your entry fee.

You have to make money, when Asians and the Hispanics and LBGT hold their conferences, they charge at the door.

If that HR40 bill has the word "minorities" or "stress communities" or "disadvantage" or any other word besides black in the language, it's a trick bag. If any of those words are in the language it's a trick bag.

We as black people have to become selfish, just like the other group of people. That's the problem there and why we are not on code. It's not your Tariq, or Yvette's or Boyce' it's black folks that's not being selfish enough to demand something for their vote.

We wanna love and include any and everybody into our struggle. Time is up for all that. And folks, outside of some in this threads, are catching on the wave of that mindset
Throwing money isn't a cure all because people still need to know what to do with said money or else it just goes right back out the community.

Did they say that when they threw the money to the Native Americans, Jews, and Japs, and other folks when they paid them??

I don't think I heard anybody mentioned anything about money not being the cure when they all received their pay-outs
Throwing money isn't a cure all because people still need to know what to do with said money or else it just goes right back out the community.

I understand your statement, but everybody won't do what needs to be done with their share, and that's fine. We can't save everybody.

Just the fact that they are receiving is good enough I'm sure for those slaves that were rape'd, beaten, lied on, tied to a tree and burned, genitals cut off, and every other evil act done to them.
Nigga shut the fuck up you supposed to be pro black but you want to fight other black people over opinions. Do you challenge crackers the same or this just a nigga talking online


I challenge any and everybody who is not speaking the honest truth. I fear no man but GOD. As I stated in other threads, people catch feelings behind the hard honest truth and start the challenge. When their points can't hold up against the truth, that's when the feels come about.

Pro Black...Woke...Militant...those words can be used, but all I try to do is speak and stride for is speaking the hard honest truth.

I challenged you when you were speaking that asinine mess about allowing kids to dress up as the opposite sex and saying it's not an issue. Is that being pro black, militant or woke? or giving you the hard honest truth about reality. No parent should be ok nor allow their 4 year old kid dressing up as the opposite sex.

You remember that thread.
So that’s all it takes? Reparations?
Thats what we're asking for.
We already at those other bridges that's what sole don't get
The old saying "its not what you say but how you say it" is a factor here. The Democrats are defiant in the rejecting reparations while catering to illegals. All but 2 candidates have outright ignored the idea. That's extremely disrespectful

I can't fathom voting for any candidate who gave us their ass to kiss because we demanded a black agenda for the first time in history
Ic_refugee does have a point. Is there not a candidate trying to extend right to illegals? It seems that even people that aren’t citizens get pandered to more than blacks
You talked around everything I said like I knew one of yall world do. But here's the funny part I wana go in on.

If that HR40 bill has the word "minorities" or "stress communities" or "disadvantage" or any other word besides black in the language, it's a trick bag. If any of those words are in the language it's a trick bag.

"IF that bill..."


So you either weren't aware of it, which makes you not on your job already cuz if you sayin we need reparations but didnt even know there was a reparations bill being put together....lmao.
Or you didnt do none of the shit I said yall didnt do. You didn't read it, you didnt share it, you didnt make yourself aware of who wrote it, you didnt take any steps to put any pressure on anybody to amend or remove the parts you disagree with....

Yall cant shield yourselves behind "we building" "this is is business" while bypassing giving your input on work being done just so you can complain online if the product doesn't come out the way you want it to.

Niggas just like typing and talkin when it comes to shit like this. Complaining from the sidelines about work is not work.

Quiet as it's kept you wouldn't even benefit from reparations since you wasnt born here.
You talked around everything I said like I knew one of yall world do. But here's the funny part I wana go in on.

"IF that bill..."


So you either weren't aware of it, which makes you not on your job already cuz if you sayin we need reparations but didnt even know there was a reparations bill being put together....lmao.
Or you didnt do none of the shit I said yall didnt do. You didn't read it, you didnt share it, you didnt make yourself aware of who wrote it, you didnt take any steps to put any pressure on anybody to amend or remove the parts you disagree with....

Niggas just like typing and talkin when it comes to shit like this. Complaining from the sidelines about work is not work.

Quiet as it's kept you wouldn't even benefit from reparations since you wasnt born here.

Did you read the passage in the bill?? If so, did you find the words that I stated to seek out in the passage? I pulled those words out for a reason, to acknowledged that If that bill or any bill that supposed to help black folks out have those words in it, it's a trick bag and black folks ain't seeing a dayum thing from it, just like how Affirmative Action was and still is today, Black folks don't even benefit the most from this policy and it was created and setup for us.

Did the HR40 Bill state that black folks will get reparation or did it mention words like "study" "form a group to go over" "analyzed" "review"

I also did the same thing when you posted that article about Warren and her support for reparations, those words, I looked for when white folks and coon/sambos are trying to pander to black folks. I would hope you do the same.

The Warren article that you posted or big'd up, stated she had a plan for minorities, We are not minorities. I hate to tell you, you are not a minority when it comes to white folks in American. Immigrants have more rights than a black man or woman. If you don't believe me, call down to your local gov't office and apply for some gov't assistance and say that you are an immigrant vs saying that you are black

I even stated who America sees as minority and gave you something to back up my claim about these minorities groups and how they benefit from all the laws and polices that get passed. White women are the biggest group that gets AA, because of the word minority was included in the passage. What do Black men and women get??

I don't have to ask anybody, neither do you to change the language of a bill/policy. The language in the bill should already reflect what it is meant to be, which is reparations for black people, not gays, not minorities, not people in stress communities, or disadvantage areas or people. No other group should be included in any type of reparation bill for black people.

That HR40 bill includes many folks. You may want to read the entire article instead of the headlines and the first 3 or 4 sentences.

Get a politician to change something is a waste of time, I just won't support it. Politicians are smart, they know how to write bills specifically for something. I don't have to ask them to change anything, I simply just won't support it until it fits what I want and think is acceptable for black people.

The HR40 bill, broken down is a nothing burger and doesn't allocate funds to "black people" only.

Funny that you read every detail posted about where I was born, but don't take the time out to break down the articles that you cheer and big up.
You could have actually read the damn bill in the time it took to write all that.

"Purpose.—The purpose of this Act is to establish a commission to study and develop Reparation proposals for African-Americans "

Here is the full text of the actual bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/40/text

Here is a page that has all 121 cosponsors of the bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/40/all-info

And here is some background about how the government works:
