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COMMUNITY Supreme Court strikes down abortion | Update: Georgia Supreme Court is reinstating the state's 6-week abortion ban

Not hopeful at all but I wonder if this does actually take place if it backfires on republicans. Seeing as how most people in the country regardless of party affiliation support the right to choose.. Wonder if theyll pressure their folks to fix it... Or if theyll just go to blue states to get their abortions which is more likely
Go to blue states
Muhfuckas better stock up on Trojans and Plan B before they take those two.

This is why theocracy is the highest form of bullshit in this world.
if science considers (if we find it) microscopic organisms in space life, why isn’t an embryo, fetus (whatever) not life?
Now the other shoe will drop when the Republicans take back control in the elections

The shit is gonna backfire on them eventually when they try to overstep and cater too much to the religious right and take away some shit that non religious based Republicans value. Their split is already happening and it's gonna be nasty when it does
if science considers (if we find it) microscopic organisms in space life, why isn’t an embryo, fetus (whatever) not life?

Regardless of whether an embryo is an actual fully formed life or not creating a law or series of laws that blatantly will put people in danger isn't smart. In Ohio alone they're trying to include a criminal charge for doctors who don't attempt to save ectopic pregnancies. This is why an abortion ban makes no sense. Theyre terally trying to making it legal to then let both the mother and fetus die just to say they weren't aborted.
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma’s Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a Texas-style abortion ban on Tuesday that prohibits abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, part of a nationwide push in GOP-led states hopeful that the conservative U.S. Supreme Court will uphold new restrictions.

Stitt's signing of the bill comes on the heels of a leaked draft opinion from the nation's high court that it is considering weakening or overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nearly 50 years ago.

The bill Stitt signed takes effect immediately with his signature, but abortion rights advocates already have challenged the new law in court. It’s not clear when the Oklahoma Supreme Court might issue a ruling in the case, but abortion providers say once the new law is in place, they will immediately stop providing services unless the court intervenes.

“There will be people who lose access, even if the halt in services is only brief," said Emily Wales, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, which operates abortion clinics in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

The new law prohibits abortions once cardiac activity can be detected in an embryo, which experts say is roughly six weeks into a pregnancy, before many women know they are pregnant. A similar bill approved in Texas last year led to a dramatic reduction in the number of abortions performed in that state, with many women going to Oklahoma and other surrounding states for the procedure.

Dr. Iman Alsaden, the medical director of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, said Texas' law that took effect in September has given their employees an idea of what a post-Roe country might look like.

“Since that day, my colleagues and I have regularly treated patients who are fleeing their communities to seek care," Alsaden said. “They’re taking time off of work, taking time out of school and taking time away from their family responsibilities to get the care that until September 2021 they were able to get safely and readily in their communities."

The bill authorizes abortions if performed as the result of a medical emergency, but there are no exceptions if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.

Like the Texas law, the Oklahoma bill would allow private citizens to sue abortion providers or anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion for up to $10,000. After the U.S. Supreme Court allowed that mechanism to remain in place, other Republican-led states sought to copy Texas’ ban. Idaho’s governor signed the first copycat measure in March, although it has been temporarily blocked by the state’s Supreme Court.

Stitt earlier this year signed a bill to make performing an abortion a felony crime in Oklahoma, but that measure is not set to take effect until this summer, and legal experts say it's likely to be blocked because the Roe v. Wade decision still remains the law of the land.

The number of abortions performed each year in Oklahoma, which has four abortion clinics, has declined steadily over the last two decades, from more than 6,200 in 2002 to 3,737 in 2020, the fewest in more than 20 years, according to data from the Oklahoma State Department of Health. In 2020, before the Texas law was passed, about 9% of the abortions performed in Oklahoma were women from Texas.

Before the Texas ban took effect on Sept. 1, about 40 women from Texas had abortions performed in Oklahoma each month, the data shows. That number jumped to 222 Texas women in September and 243 in October.
They've been worried about being replaced forever though. The whole "Great Replacement Theory" isn't new. It's been one of the KKK leaders' talking points for a long time. They've always been about preventing miscegenation and refraining from anything that would lower white birth rates because their goal is to keep the white population strong and pure.

Christianity is just their catch-all excuse to do the shit they do because most of them are too cowardly to just come out and say what their real goals are.
I know that. Yes they want their numbers up because they're white supremacists. But they also need to appeal to their Christian base who are pro lifers.
power to the people

when enough of us realize it don't matter wtf kinda laws they come up w/, if we the people ain't w/ it then we won't abide by it & a fight come w/ it

until the powers that be feel that pressure of millions from coast to coast movin on 1 accord & ready to tear this mf up (& die for the cause if need be) if ours demands are not met

we'll keep goin thru these cycles

honestly, I checked out yrs ago & I'm jus on the sideline til that day comes
power to the people

when enough of us realize it don't matter wtf kinda laws they come up w/, if we the people ain't w/ it then we won't abide by it & a fight come w/ it

until the powers that be feel that pressure of millions from coast to coast movin on 1 accord & ready to tear this mf up (& die for the cause if need be) if ours demands are not met

we'll keep goin thru these cycles

honestly, I checked out yrs ago & I'm jus on the sideline til that day comes

I stopped giving a fuck in the 90s, whatever these politicians gonna do, they do regardless if we fuck with it or not.

I know one thing they ain't gonna do, that's the right thing.

All the shit that is wrong with this country from infrastructure, public schools, housing, healthcare...they are focused on the dumbest shit...like abortion.

This country is doomed. It's a conservative country through and through and before I die, and I am an old ass man, we gonna be back in the 1950s.
Googling is so hard for some people.. You need 2/3s of the senators to remove a Supreme Court Judge.. So some of you actually think 14 GOP Senators are going to join with Democrats to remove their favorite Supreme coon or that alleged rapist judge…
Googling is so hard for some people.. You need 2/3s of the senators to remove a Supreme Court Judge.. So some of you actually think 14 GOP Senators are going to join with Democrats to remove their favorite Supreme coon or that alleged rapist judge…
No one said this....