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ABW Interviews: Kandy


Kobe With The Pivot
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Today we have ABW's 2017 female poster of the year, @Kandy .

Let me know when you're ready.​
Aight fuck u too. But yea, as we always do, lets start with you letting us know where you're from and how your upbringing was.​
Aye you can’t be cursing me out during my interview shit!

I was born in Houston and lived on the southwest side, I actually live on the same street now that I lived on when I was four. We moved to Missouri City(the black side), which is basically where black folks move to get out the hood but growing up, mfs wanted it to be the hood so bad. Our moms were nurses, teachers, lawyers and shit like that. Our dads were policemen, lawyers, teachers and shit like that but oddly enough mfs thought it was the hood, when majority of us were spoon fed. It eventually started becoming the hood because they started renting houses and letting anybody rent them. Growing up my brothers and I never went without. My mama and daddy made a good life for us. I had the support of my parents and step parents and grandparents. I stayed with my daddy and granny during the summers or every other weekend. Shit was live af growing up. I could go into extreme detail but that would take all day. We eventually ended up moving to the more upper class side of Mo. City but by then I was 18. My little brother was 8, so he got the benefits from that. My other brother had moved with his dad.

Growing up as I did, my mama still can’t understand how I got so ghetto. It just goes to show, no matter how well you raise your kids, you never know how they will turn out.
To east coast niggas all yall from the south are country af, now is it true you were raised on a farm like @Remedy ?

Have you met any celebs from Houston?​
To east coast niggas all yall from the south are country af, now is it true you were raised on a farm like @Remedy ?

Have you met any celebs from Houston?​
No. I wasn’t raised on a farm however my pawpaw owns a farm and had farm land in another city. We would go there during the holidays or the summer. It would be the whole family out there. Chasing cows, fishing, shooting shit(i almost shot my daddy once), learning to drive. We used to take my paw paw truck and fly through them acres. We almost flipped that shit and everything.

I went to school with who some consider a celeb, King Keraun. I also went to school with a music producer but idk if he is a big deal because i don’t follow him like that.

Trae the Truth was my summer camp teacher, which is how I met Zro. I became Trae’s cousins favorite student and I used to spend the night at her house and see them there. I remember going to his shows and he would wave and tell me to come see him on the stage after he performed. My mama was Z-ro and Trae’s lawyer when they were Guerrilla Maab.

I know a few other well known people but they aren’t currently popping up in my head and I’m tryna figure out what I’m about to eat.
I was wonderin how Z-Ro was able to escape prison time after that audio of him beatin the dog shit outta that chick dropped, but now we know , it was mama kandy.

Most of us know you're a teacher's aid ( i think that's the right term), why did you choose that career field?

What did you want to be growing up?​
Yes, I’m an instructional aide, which is a bullshit ass fancy way of saying teachers aide. I actually didn’t choose this shit which is funny. I had taken a year off from working because I was going through the blues. I started looking for a job and my mama called me and said fill out an application. She said some woman knew me and knew I would be good with kids. I didn’t find out who this woman was until last month. The woman vouched for me and got some other teacher to get me on. What sealed the deal was them calling my mama and talking to her about me. My mama said the woman was impressed and she ain’t even have to lie. Lmfao.

When I started working at the school, I jumped right in as if I was doing it for years. My first year, which was last year. I taught classes. Although being a IA, I’m not allowed to hold classes but the principal made an exception for me because I became highly requested when a teacher would be absent. They wanted me in their class. Last year, they pulled our best teachers to teach another grade at the end of the year. I had my own class for a month or so.

I ain’t know what the hell I was walking into and I need people to not get it twisted. Teachers aides do just as much as teachers, if not more. My coworkers and principal told me to call myself a teacher because I am. I teach. I love it but it does get hard. I’m halfway there. Im currently the lead aide, they call me the master.

Growing up, I wanted to be everything. I felt like if I put my mind to it, I could do it. The one that sticks out the most was I wanted to be a BET video girl/dancer. I was determined. I would dance and learn every damn dance possible. Never happened.
Go head and drop those audition dance videos b.

We're gonna switch it up for a sec and go into one of the questions that was sent to me to ask you.

"You often talk about your wild granny, where is she from? How old is she? Tell us a wild story about you and her."​
Aww man. I love my granny. She crazy as fuck. Of course growing up. She was an angel in my eyes. My mama would try and warn us but now that I’m older, I see it.

She’s the good and bad crazy.
She’s from Victoria, Texas lives in Houston and she is 77.

I got two stories.
So for her 75th birthday. The fam got together and made shirts and popped up at her house. My mama had hired a marching band to come play for her. She had no damn clue. We had a big ass sign made that said ***** Old Ass is 75.

So anyway, we knock on the door and she comes out clueless af. We tell her happy birthday and we all just hanging out in the front yard. My mama text me and tells me the band is coming down the street. Next thing you know, my granny said why do I hear drums. We all acting like we don’t know. The closer the band got, she started looking concerned. She got out her chair and seen my mama walking down the street with the band and she lit up! The band stopped in front of her house and she walked to the street and grabbed some girls baton and started twirling. She used to be a twirler back in the day. She was wilding tryna do tricks and shit.

Another time, I was video taping something asking people questions, I decided to video tape her. The question was would she have ever been a stripper. She said no, she never thought about being one but as she got older, she should’ve been a hooker.