I'm agnostic, but the NOI has the right to their mythology.
Same thing with Catholics, Jews, Islam, Hebrew Israelites, Voodoo, Satanist, Buddhist, and everyone else.
The evolution theory makes more sense due to several ideas.
1. People nearest to the equator tend to be darker complexion, but exceptions exist.
2. A black population is capable of producing every shade of skin tone naturally
3. Environment plays a huge part in evolution mentally and physically
4. Food access and amounts of sunlight can affect pigmentation
5. Multiple examples of 1-4, can be referred to in human biology and the animal kingdom
6. I'm sure there's a person out there more learned in anthropology that could answer this better than me.
With all of that considered some Dr.Untonium, chemical X story simply has very little to stand on.
No diss, I'm just saying.