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Your Parents

Your mom = a queen

Real shit my mom is my heart…no if and buts about it…she’s sacrificed more for me and my entire family than more people could ever imagine…I’m most definitely a “mommas boy” and to my both my sister’s dismay, universally understood in my family as my mom’s favorite child….buuuut her temper is ridiculous and she’s fuckin’ crazy lol
One time me and my brother was supposed to be raking leaves and putting them in lawn bags before my dad got off work at 6. It was summer time so we had all day to do it. My brother being a lazy shit wasn’t really helping so I was trying to make him and he started throwing these lava rocks like these
at me. We had this rock garden full of them shits back in the day. So next thing I know we having a full on rock war binging the shit outta each other! So now not one rock is left in the garden. Shit was in the grass, in the driveway all in the road. Everywhere but in the garden. My dad was picking up my uncle from the airport that day too. We had spaced how much time has passed and here comes my dad up the street. This nigga basically ghost rode the whip jumped out the car chasing after us. My uncle almost crashed trying to get control of the car cuz my dad jumped out with no warning. All I saw was my big ass dad charging at us. I tried running but it’s like that bit Sinbad did when he was about to get a spanking from his moms and her arms stretched to catch him.
“DONT YOU RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN FROM ME!” Man we got our asses beat! Then made us pick up every single one of them rocks and put back in the garden. Wouldn’t even let us use a shovel. “Use your hands!” We was up till like 3am putting them back! Lol
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I remember my mom threw a whole bag of McDonald’s food out tha window cuz me and my sisters were arguing about who was gonna get tha fries at tha bottom of tha bag when tha food got passed out Lmaooooo

Prince was on tha radio…I’ll never forget cuz I had tha bag in my lap in tha front seat eating “free game” fries out tha bag and I was taunting my sisters singing “Who Loves Fries” instead of “When Doves Cry” …my sisters were whining and shit…yelling “Mom” over and over when my mom snatched tha bag and slung that shit out tha window HARD AF lol

She said “Now nobody has any mother fucking French fries!!!”….

Long, quiet ass ride home

"Why do we scream at each other"

Mama Word: this is what it sounds like, when doves cry
I was in grade 9 and skipping class. I was sitting in a McDonald's having coffee with my other delinquent friends when someone says "hey BA, there's your mom" I laugh and say yeah okay. Next thing I knew my ass was getting dragged outta there by my ear. They laughed and laughed. Didn't skip there no more.
One time in high school I skipped class to get Erykah Badu first album Baduizm. Just had came out. I wasn’t waiting till after school to get it. So I sneak out get the cd and while I’m sitting at a stoplight grooving to see you next lifetime my mom pulls up right next to me.
“Pull over! Pull over!” I can hear her voice now! Yelling at me why I’m not in school. So now I’m on punishment at home. She takes my cd too! Then she makes me drive back to school and gets me in trouble at school for skipping. So now I have in school suspension on top of that smh
heard her choking in the middle of the night…

my dumbass went to investigate…to make sure she’s legit not dying

then I just said fuck it, she’s getting a dick to the back of the throat… avoiding contact for the next 3 days… and went back to bed
No wonder you turned to atheism.
When my sister was in 4th grade, some little girl in her class was fucking with her. My pops gave her a pair of brass knuckles to take to school. SMH. Even at 9 years old, my sister had enough wherewithal to be like ‘I meaaaaan...I don’t know if it’s like THAT serious.’. So she just took them shits and put them in her closet and left them there.

ayo that extreme