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Your Parents


Not Like Us
What's something your parents did when you was younger that you will never forget.

I remember in that 4th or 5th grade my mom woke me up to get dressed for school and she asked did I shower last night. So I told her the truth and said no.

She tells me "go take a shower" and she went lay back down.

So she wakes back up and Im ready to go. I get in the car and she just looking at me for like a whole minute.

She proceed to walk back inside and come out with some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol and ask "did you take a shower" and I said yea, you told me to.

She pour some on that cotton ball and rub it against my forehead lolololololololololol

"Dwayne, go back inside and get your funky ass in that tub and wash your damn body. And you bet not get my floor wet"

I remember that shit like it was yesterday
I remember my mom threw a whole bag of McDonald’s food out tha window cuz me and my sisters were arguing about who was gonna get tha fries at tha bottom of tha bag when tha food got passed out Lmaooooo

Prince was on tha radio…I’ll never forget cuz I had tha bag in my lap in tha front seat eating “free game” fries out tha bag and I was taunting my sisters singing “Who Loves Fries” instead of “When Doves Cry” …my sisters were whining and shit…yelling “Mom” over and over when my mom snatched tha bag and slung that shit out tha window HARD AF lol

She said “Now nobody has any mother fucking French fries!!!”….

Long, quiet ass ride home

I remember my mom threw a whole bag of McDonald’s food out tha window cuz me and my sisters were arguing about who was gonna get tha fries at tha bottom of tha bag when tha food got passed out Lmaooooo

Prince was on tha radio…I’ll never forget cuz I had tha bag in my lap in tha front seat eating “free game” fries out tha bag and I was taunting my sisters singing “Who Loves Fries” instead of “When Doves Cry” …my sisters were whining and shit…yelling “Mom” over and over when my mom snatched tha bag and slung that shit out tha window HARD AF lol

She said “Now nobody has any mother fucking French fries!!!”….

Long, quiet ass ride home


You fucked up the "bag"

I was like 10/11 and I had a guinea pig. One day while my mom was making supper I was playing with my guinea pig petting it's hair backwards cuz it would kinda jump and make this weird noise. My mom yells out "what are you doing to that guinea pig!?" I say " nothing, just petting it". Few seconds later caught that hand upside my head with "I ever see you do it again and I'll kick your ass". I never did it again.
You fucked up the "bag"


I could literally flood this thread wit’ shit my mom and pops did growing up…my son and my nieces and nephews crack up when me and my 2 sisters start telling stories of those 2 crazy ass people lol
During primary school my mom knocked out another mom at the school square/yard cause she was talking shit lol. She smacked and slapped the other mom around and my 7 year old azz was proud and shook at the same time because she always told us to stand up for ourselves and I guessed that was what it meant …

I can still hear that first slap lmao
My moms slapped the shit out of me out of my sleep and didn’t say anything at all.... just went back to sleep

I found out not too long later why I got the shit slapped out of me
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When my sister was in 4th grade, some little girl in her class was fucking with her. My pops gave her a pair of brass knuckles to take to school. SMH. Even at 9 years old, my sister had enough wherewithal to be like ‘I meaaaaan...I don’t know if it’s like THAT serious.’. So she just took them shits and put them in her closet and left them there.
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My moms slapped the shit out of me out of my sleep and didn’t say anything at all.... just went back to sleep

I found out not too long later why I got the shit slapped out of me

All my friend’s moms used to smack the shit outta them. I always told my mom ‘yo the day you smack me in my face is the day I move out.’. That was at maybe 15 years old.

One day when I was 17, had a misunderstanding with a teacher who said that I did some shit in class that I didn’t do and my mom thought I was lying about it. She finally smacked the shit outta me. I smooth packed a bag and bounced. Stayed with my sister downtown at her dorm with her fine ass roommates for like 3 days. Then she eventually was like ‘Aight nigga, y’all need to figure it out. Get the fuck of my couch. Lol.

Not too long afterwards my teacher realized she was mistaken and called my mom to tell her that and to this day I don’t let her live that shit down. I’ll randomly be like ‘You remember that time you smacked me in the face cuz you believed the teacher over your child? I’m not sure I’ll ever get over that, to be honest.’.

She just rolls her eyes.
I remember my mom threw a whole bag of McDonald’s food out tha window cuz me and my sisters were arguing about who was gonna get tha fries at tha bottom of tha bag when tha food got passed out Lmaooooo

Prince was on tha radio…I’ll never forget cuz I had tha bag in my lap in tha front seat eating “free game” fries out tha bag and I was taunting my sisters singing “Who Loves Fries” instead of “When Doves Cry” …my sisters were whining and shit…yelling “Mom” over and over when my mom snatched tha bag and slung that shit out tha window HARD AF lol

She said “Now nobody has any mother fucking French fries!!!”….

Long, quiet ass ride home


Your mom = a queen