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Young Jeezy files for divorce after two years of marriage; Reaches settlement

How about you niggas just try explaining it instead of speaking like they're Jewish.

This is a safe space.

Asian women, along with Middle Eastern women are tied for the most annoying women on Earth.

They are used to hardcore patriarchal societies, which means they are used to their men doing every fucking thing.

It's kind of like the reverse for Black American women. Black American women are typically independent to the point of contempt for men yet secretly want a man to do everything for them but they aren't taught how to induce the want to in a man to do everything.

Latinas know how to seduce a man into doing shit.

White women are just nags that expect shit done for them and traditionally get their way without much effort.

Asian and Middle Eastern women, secretly want to be the boss, but why do that when they can make a man do it?

Asian and Middle Eastern women deploy psychological warfare on a scale that nobody has ever seen before to get their men to do shit.

Which is why they create high achieving neurotic, obsessive children, they know how to push people.
Korean and Chinese

The rest are cool it’s them you gotta worry about. Something is off with them.

They love their theatrics which can be hazardous to our health.
So you giving the green light to Japanese women
So you giving the green light to Japanese women
Haven’t had enough experience with them.

My experience is with Thai, Laos and Cambodian.

They were level headed cause they were darker so they knew if they pulled the same shit their fairer skinned contemporaries they’d face consequences.

Philippinoes are cool but shit they women been thru it. Good luck finding one with a low body count.
What Asian hate? I can't find anything about this
During Trump n covid i know you remember, all that racist asian stuff Trump said about them and the virus that he and the republican party proudly promoted. Well that lead to the Stop Asian Hate campaign, that white people and a lot of asians somehow made us the face of. Well during that time, Jeezy was bout to marry her & he put out PSA (cant find it on here now) about how we need to stop asian hate & he donated a bunch of money to some stop asian hate charity.

People pointed out how its wild the first time you hear him in the media talk about racism & do any activism, its for another race.
During Trump n covid i know you remember, all that racist asian stuff Trump said about them and the virus that he and the republican party proudly promoted. Well that lead to the Stop Asian Hate campaign, that white people and a lot of asians somehow made us the face of. Well during that time, Jeezy was bout to marry her & he put out PSA (cant find it on here now) about how we need to stop asian hate & he donated a bunch of money to some stop asian hate charity.

People pointed out how its wild the first time you hear him in the media talk about racism & do any activism, its for another race.
Nah jeezy talked racisim and does activism work .
The problem is Id have to hunt to find anything on him doing that, but he made sure his stop asian hate was loud, clear and broadcasted everywhere. Became the theme of his wedding.

Did he make sure to be loud or did people just not give as much of a shit when he was talking about Black issues. I seem to remember him being in a Stop the Violence type commercial a while ago, and the general reaction was "How he going to be saying Stop the Violence when all his songs are about selling drugs?"
Let this be a lesson to all men. Stuff like this is why I will never get married.

I hope y'all married guys don't end up going through this
You just might not be marriage material and that's also ok. This is in no way a slight to you b

Some shit just don't work out. I wish more people just accepted that instead of trying to do deep dives.