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Young Jeezy files for divorce after two years of marriage; Reaches settlement

Jesus words, not mine:

Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.(Mark 10:11-12)

“And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.” (Matthew 19:9)

Mind you this applies regardless of whether you are Christian or not.

Now Jeannie Mai words regarding her marriage to Freddy Harteisare, prior to Jeezy:

"To this day, I swear, he’s the best man I know. I married him because he’s like my dad, very loyal, very compassionate, so funny, an awesome guy," Mai shared. "In our 13 years of being together there were never any lies, no betrayal, no cheating, nothing

The brother Jeezy and Jeannie were in an adulterous marriage to begin with unfortunately. He probably missed this going into the marriage, creating a loss now and split him home for his daughter, but fortunately for him this split just helped save his own life.

This very well could be part of Jeezy reason, we don’t know. Though I’m not sure if he’s even aware of this truth. From the beginning this the reason alone I was saying they should’ve never became a union. Dangerous game.


wtf she ain’t stay with the best man she know?
Black men don't cheat

Jeannie Mai Claims Jeezy Cheated and Prenup Says It'll Cost Him in Divorce Docs https://www.tmz.com/2023/12/01/jeannie-mai-jeezy-divorce-cheating-prenup/
Like... wtf is this headline?

You telling me they put a clause in writing about cheating will cost him money? What kind of bullshit is that and who would sign some bullshit like that? For why????

17. I understood marriage was a sham at 17 years old. Jeezy made this move after the age of 40....
Like... wtf is this headline?

You telling me they put a clause in writing about cheating will cost him money? What kind of bullshit is that and who would sign some bullshit like that? For why????

17. I understood marriage was a sham at 17 years old. Jeezy made this move after the age of 40....

A cheating clause makes sense to me. Marriage is a contract. What other contract do you know of that you can breach it and not suffer any consequences.

Marriage isn't a sham. It just isn't for everyone. And like anything else, if it's not for you, stay away from it. It's that simple. If you don't want to stop fucking other people, then you either find a spouse that's cool with a marriage where sexual fidelity isn't part of the contract or stay single. Why is that such a hard concept for some people to grasp? Mutha fuckas get married, break every fucking vow they made, and then bitch when their bad actions cost them. How does that make any sense?