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Young Jeezy files for divorce after two years of marriage; Reaches settlement

We all saw him playing himself for a little suki love.. smh. Now she'll get half

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeezy filed in Georgia on Thursday … saying their marriage is "irretrievably broken," with "no hope for reconciliation."

Jeezy’s seeking joint legal and physical custody of their 1-year-old daughter, Monaco, and he says they have an existing prenup in place.
According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeezy filed in Georgia on Thursday … saying their marriage is "irretrievably broken," with "no hope for reconciliation."

Jeezy’s seeking joint legal and physical custody of their 1-year-old daughter, Monaco, and he says they have an existing prenup in place.
Smmfh cuz it wasn't REAL jeezy! Gotdamn brotha... you were a fucking fetish and she said it on national TV and you still married her. Clown.

...but props on the prenub. That's a relief
Jesus words, not mine:

Whoever divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.(Mark 10:11-12)

“And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.” (Matthew 19:9)

Mind you this applies regardless of whether you are Christian or not.

Now Jeannie Mai words regarding her marriage to Freddy Harteisare, prior to Jeezy:

"To this day, I swear, he’s the best man I know. I married him because he’s like my dad, very loyal, very compassionate, so funny, an awesome guy," Mai shared. "In our 13 years of being together there were never any lies, no betrayal, no cheating, nothing

The brother Jeezy and Jeannie were in an adulterous marriage to begin with unfortunately. He probably missed this going into the marriage, creating a loss now and split him home for his daughter, but fortunately for him this split just helped save his own life.

This very well could be part of Jeezy reason, we don’t know. Though I’m not sure if he’s even aware of this truth. From the beginning this the reason alone I was saying they should’ve never became a union. Dangerous game.
