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Young Black Hollywood V Racist Esthablishment - The Megathread

Disney did it dirty against both Peter Boyega and J.J. Abrams.

Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder did well to follow their guts and refusing Disney's past proposals to hire either of them to film out 'The Force Awakens' . Niggas keep wrecking people's carreer credits.

When was the last time you've heard about the English actress who've played Rey? Is she still unemployed?

Forbes fired their newfound journalistic writer specialized in geek culture and film industry under unethical terms, and WBMedias went to delete the Justice League Snyder Cut trailer on HBO Max Youtube page (in spite habing no apparent reason to do so) .

It seems that some petty white bitch/s amid the corporate multi-media conandrum want to shit on young people of color and are willing to undermine their fledgling career for the audacity to be outspoken against both WB and Hollywood's downsides as well as their support for Ray Fisher.

This is what happens when you're black in U.S.A. . Warner. Disney. Fox. Universal. Comcast. Governments. Police... same shit.


They try to undermine him into oblivion, but they choose the wrong year to do so.

What these rednecks did in the Capitol last week ago, the BLM and nerds can do so - peacefully, of course - at L.A. too.

Walter Hamada and WB Pictutes are going to be Ali Larter-ized. POCs and nerds are done with them and Disney's shits.

"riight" :hahaha: