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You Reported Anybody (Filed A Complaint)?


New Member
Over here? Nah.

At that other site I did.

This one troll got banned and he would create a new account and start posting again.

You could tell it was him because he would just start posting the same bullshit threads again.

He claimed to be black, but he would always post stuff that poked fun at black stereotypes.

I would report him every time he created a new alias.

That ain’t snitching, though.

Just trying to keep the community safe from toxic content.

Often and with as much flair as possible

Luckily for the offenders other mods don't pay me no mind
I used to post on this duck hunting forum, there was a forum full of aggressive right wingers, QAnon, Conspiracy theory folks, people dumb enough to believe the election was rigged. You get the picture, they're assholes. This forum is owned by a larger cooperation, so I ratted this duck hunting forum to the company with all the stuff like "Is the promotion of violent messaging and harmful misinformation allowable under the TOS of Vertical Scope?" They got back to me right away and said they plan on conducting and investigation.

fuck 'em. They deserve it.
Shout out the mega users who use the file reports daily and shout out to the mods who take care of those reports (@Infamous114 and @Banginscrew901 )

If MORE ppl filed complaints when they see a rule broken more things could get done to clean up the riff raff
Wait....I thought “duck hunting” was some type internet slang I wasn’t up on....it’s an actual site dedicated to huntin’ ducks?! Tha net really does have EVERYTHING....

On topic....nah

I just act out a fight in tha mirror between me and tha poster I’m aggravated wit’ on some “Whatu say muhfucka?!” ....AIR UPPERCUT!!!

I always win too....

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Most reports aren't about that, at least in the Candy Shop. It's usally adverstise links, spam, adware, or chicks who want their content deleted lol
I imagine most of the reports in the Candy Shop are from the mega thread. I saw you guys handled someone requesting some foul stuff in there :scust:
Kudos to you guys for removing him as that kind of thing can get sites taken down. Didn't know that @Banginscrew901 thread is attracting some really low life people from the internet. You guys doing some great work keeping those kinds off the site