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Yall used to play B word spike?..or was that a charleston thing

we called that Batman

shit was no game at the alternative school

I slipped and caught one in the chest in the cafeteria....knocked the wind out my lil ass
I memeber:

Hide and Go Get It.

Having to ask different parents (mine, my friends) to pick us up from the Mall on Saturdays, cause the buses stop running after 8.

Sleepovers.....shit was brutal. Muhfuckas got hit with shoes all night.

Poppers....these poppers:

Just throwing em everywhere....except that time I did that in church. That was bad.
Did yall have "thats neck" at your school or something similar?

Someone would say something stupid or fuck up talking and someone would call out "thats neck!" And smack them on the back of their neck.
At DSU, we called that a cockback. And If someone called you out on your fuck-up, they get a free shot on your hand. Like, you literally hold your hand out, and someone smacks the shit out of it.
We called it throw up tackle.

And we didn’t freestyle at lunch, we made beats on tables. Mary J. Blige’s Real Love was always the go to beat.

yea, I remember in that one thread about what it was called damn near everybody had a different name for it

the only beat niggas used to do here was the Grinding beat that was like the only one unless they were making up some shit while we freestyled.

8 mile came out like my 7th grade year so everybody thought they were nice fr, then we had the lil r&b wannabe niggas who thought they could sing cause of B2k and they'd try to form little groups at lunch and sing to the chicks lmao.