OPINION You ever date anyone that embarrassed you?

My ex...GRHS...was getting into fashion. Not the simple matching type of fashion I'm talkin about. But that crazy azzz shyt, outlandish type of fashion the celebs be wearing at the MTV/Grammy awards red carpets.

So one night we decided to go to the movies. I'm chillin in my car waiting, when finally this hefa comes out...Smh. Y'all...this hefa comes out in a purple top...but she replaced the seems on the shoulders and arms with...


My reaction...
"...da fucc is she wearing??"

Soon as she gets in the car I just look at her. Then she tells she got the idea from that razor covered suit jacket Missy Elliot wore to the MTV Video Music Awards. But instead of razors, she used pins.

I don't even remember what movie we saw that night. All I remember is us walkin out. As soon we walked outside, people was lookin at her crazy, shaking their heads, and laughin. Maaaaaannnn...I was so damn embarrassed...I started walkin AHEAD of that hefa. Just so no one would associate me being wit her. Smh.

That was the last time she wore that shyt.
I used to have one bumpy who got into it at McDonald's over her mcdouble not having mayo like she ordered. She cussed out the cooks, cashiers, drive thru order takers, and asked for the manager and cussed him out too. That was the single most awkward 5 minutes of my life.