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You’ve Been Kidnapped

Shit on here?

That’s easy, I’d open a thread speaking on my love of transgender women and then start posting SFW pics of them. Thread would do numbers and niggaz would ask what the fuck is wrong wit me.
What could I say that would make you guys think "it's somethin up with BA, she in trouble".....
"riight" It’d get you banned first, then folk would speculate on what’s going on and those that know you outside of ABW would reach out
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If I get on SM on some extroverted shit they'll know something isn't right
Shit on here?

That’s easy, I’d open a thread speaking on my love of transgender women and then start posting SFW pics of them. Thread would do numbers and niggaz would ask what the fuck is wrong wit me.
Ehh.. id think you were just having a good day
Unless I get knocked unconscious I rather die than to be kidnapped.

Even though I don't have any social media accounts if I did. If I started making posts show respect and being ok with people who snitched. Everybody including my mama would know something is wrong with me.
"riight" It’d get you banned first, then folk would speculate on what’s going on and those that know you outside of ABW would reach out
Couldn't reply earlier, then I forgot about this until I just saw it again.

I thought that too but then I thought nah, they just gonna think the cracka finally cracked and leave it at that while I get chopped up into bits 😢
Would've dismissed this. You didn't spell "kidnapped" right and that's not something the englishdude I know would've done.

I don’t post on social media, outside of video uploads once a year or so, so just me posting would have people questioning it. I don’t use FB at all only got the account cus I got some photos on there that mean a lot to me. Instagrams really the only one I tap into.
The predictability of certain people is disturbing. All of it, the last few days predictable!!