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Y’all ever had a moment where you almost killed someone?


Who do you think you are? I am
A post I made in another thread made me think of another moment. I’m pretty mild mannered, I get upset but I rarely ever want to hurt someone. It’s not in my nature.

But this one time I went to go pick up my kids in daycare. I was with my kids mother, she went to go get my daughter and I went to go get my son.

So I go in the toddler area and my son was in a bouncy chair. The daycare worker was in front of my son changing another kid. So I went to go get my son and he was slumped over in the chair sleep, his face was pressed against one of the toys in the chair. I lifted him up and he and an indention from the toy in his face, and he had soiled himself.

The indention told me that he had been like that for a minute and not only dat, he was also siting in his own shit. This is the only other time in my life where I literally saw red. Not figuratively, literally, the room turn read and blood dripped down the walls. Everything in me said to kill this daycare worker.

I fucking had a mini panick attack cause I wanted to kill her so bad. I grabbed my son..or I tried to grab my son. I couldn’t, my hands were fuckin shaking, everything in me said..fucking kill her right now

I left the toddler area and told my kids mother, please get my son, I have to leave out of here right now or ima kill this bitch. My kids mother saw my face and ran to get my son. Changed him and brought him to me in the car.

Then went back inside and told them that the kids wouldn’t be coming back cause my husband damn near killed that girl in there for blah blah blah blah.

Only two times in my life have I ever been that mad, where I knew that I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I get away from the situation
Last Halloween I strangled a racist cac for saying "I'm white your black. If I call the police maybe they'll kill you. Either way I win this." Just because I asked him to leave the club. He thought I really wouldn't kill him right there. He thought he could control me with fear of the police.

I was like if "I kill you right now we square then right?" They had to get me off him.
I can safely say I've punched enough holes in walls to have effectively avoided further drama ensuing. After that, u ignore the BS and it's...

snoop-dogg-laid-back.gif giphy (1).gif
My old crew still mention the few times I was a mere moment away from perishing a muhfucka back in the 90's.

... and I'm still looking for my sister's ex for puttin' hands on her. In fact, we just spoke about his ass when she was here for the funeral last week.
Statue of limitations not up yet
Lol. I was thinking roughly the same.

My initial thought reading the OP title was, well this must be about something accidental, like almost forgetting to strap a harness on a child properly or at work almost dropping something very heavy onto someone on a lower floor....

'Cause ain't no way I'm talking about when I almost killed a person, hypothetically speaking.
I mean talking to yourself aggressively in the mirror can relieve that shit from you actually wanting go forward with doing something that could land you in jail forever. So, I'm glad, I never even crossed that line because I was able to take all my frustrations out before hand and then become calm afterwards.
How many times have I thought about actually murdering someone?

Too many Feds here for me to reveal that….