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wwyd:The story behind this 6-year-old's birthday party photo might break your heart


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Little Teddy handed out invitations to 32 of his classmates to last weekend’s party at a pizza restaurant, but none of the children showed up.

This week the boy’s mother, Sil Mazzini, posted a picture to Facebook of Teddy surrounded by pizza and two rows of empty table settings at the restaurant in Tucson, Ariz. The look on the child’s face is nothing short of heartbreaking.

Mazzini told Fox News she had made 32 goodie bags for Teddy to hand out to his classmates along with invitations to his party — and she even spoke to some of the children’s parents, who said their children would come.

There is a silver lining for Teddy though — the picture has since caught the attention of two Phoenix sports teams, who offered the birthday boy free tickets to celebrate with them at upcoming games.

The Phoenix Suns welcomed Teddy and his family to watch Wednesday’s NBA match against the L.A. Lakers.

The Phoenix Rising football team also extended an invitation to join them, with their vice president confirming Teddy will be at Friday’s game.

Teddy’s story came after the 9th birthday of a boy from Oregon was ruined when none of his friends turned up to his Diary of a Wimpy Kid-themed party.

However it all turned around when Mahlon Layne received a belated gift from his favorite author, Wimpy Kid scribe Jeff Kinney, who FaceTimed the boy, giving him a personal tour of his office and studio decked out in Diary of a Wimpy Kid decor

aight look mane, its sad or whatever.....but we gotta chill

are sports teams coming out and making special occasions for all the kids who dont even get to put together a pizza party to begin with?

i mean the picture sucks, but only out of a feelings perspective

i see a boy who's obviously got decent parents, - and a gang of fuckin pizza......shit could be worse, kid

make some friends, stop bein a snitch....they'll show up next time
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i mean shit, im sure there's a hood in Phoenix fulla lil boys who dont get pizza, party, or NBA tickets

check out his shirt....its his birthday! wtf

the more I think about it, and look at his age.....his mom's probably a nut and them other parents told her they was coming to get her off the phone

I bet the shit was @ 6:30 on a Tuesday night......we got NBA, NFL, The Voice, Etc......mf's tryna get them kids and go home
hell, im hoping all the kids from my daughter class cant come

that shit is expensive af
man...i threw my daughter a party at a 1direction concert....14 lil girls in the suite,,,,shit was epic but yea...cost a bit.
My thoughts exactly. That shit ain't normal.

lmao yes it is

and it will be more and more normal as the newer, younger parents come into play

we are in the most passive, flaky ass times right now.....its more common to say you're coming and not show up then to just say you aint feeling it

gotta be nice

so much wrong with this shit..


fuck u inviting the whole class to a party for at 6?

that's just too man kids to be dealing with u don't really know like that anyway. i drop my son off to class every single morning. ain't no way in hell i'd invite all them kids to a bday party..


rsvp bruh...

she said she invited, i read that shit 3 times looking for where the kids rsvp'd never saw it...

thirdly.....at this age parties are limited to family and kids of my friends.... you ain't making no forreal friends at 6. the social skills just ain't there yet.. you might like some kids, but you don't fuck with all of them like that forreal. it should be hella cousins n kids of the parents friends there off top......then kids from school...shit churches typically have hella kids too... yall don't go to church?

and this piggy backs off the other two.. how well do you know all these parents? did u talk to all these parents???

every bday party i threw for my 7 year old, i was damn near on the phone with everyone who was coming and not coming the entire week up until.. ESPECIALLY if it was one of the years we put some money into it......if i'm spending money , like real money... ppl needa be there.... we had face paining , moonbounce one year... hella food.... a whole bushel of crabs.... we made sure it was going to be kids there.....
now Teddy and the fam bout to see LA-bron for free

im sure Dad/Unc/Older brother is feeling like "great job, loser"

good publicity for the organization tho, i see why they would do this
and she even spoke to some of the children’s parents, who said their children would come.
this ain't cuase for 32 fucking place settings..

this chick sound dumb as fuck.....

im more than willing to bet she barely said shit, she just prolly asked her kid to give out invitations...
lmao yes it is

and it will be more and more normal as the newer, younger parents come into play

we are in the most passive, flaky ass times right now.....its more common to say you're coming and not show up then to just say you aint feeling it

gotta be nice

lol Bruh, no it's not. I got two kids and have to deal with more of these than I'd like. It's normal for some people to flake, but it not normal for everyone that knows your child to pull that. Even the most antisocial families have some people that are close enough that you know they are going to show up. That kid was dolo. He must be a future serial killer and everyone knows it.

so much wrong with this shit..


fuck u inviting the whole class to a party for at 6?

that's just too man kids to be dealing with u don't really know like that anyway. i drop my son off to class every single morning. ain't no way in hell i'd invite all them kids to a bday party..


rsvp bruh...

she said she invited, i read that shit 3 times looking for where the kids rsvp'd never saw it...

thirdly.....at this age parties are limited to family and kids of my friends.... you ain't making no forreal friends at 6. the social skills just ain't there yet.. you might like some kids, but you don't fuck with all of them like that forreal. it should be hella cousins n kids of the parents friends there off top......then kids from school...shit churches typically have hella kids too... yall don't go to church?

and this piggy backs off the other two.. how well do you know all these parents? did u talk to all these parents???

every bday party i threw for my 7 year old, i was damn near on the phone with everyone who was coming and not coming the entire week up until.. ESPECIALLY if it was one of the years we put some money into it......if i'm spending money , like real money... ppl needa be there.... we had face paining , moonbounce one year... hella food.... a whole bushel of crabs.... we made sure it was going to be kids there.....
in this era of inclusion, this is becoming the norm

my daughters school as a policy has to it where you cant invite just the kids that look like you. You have to at least invite everyone in the class and hope they dont show up.

but you a better man than me. I aint calling nobody. You got a date you need to RSVP to, if you dont, dont show up to the party the day of.
Never had a birthday party when I was a kid. Too close to Christmas.

Why would you post this as the parent though? Shit is pathetic. And its their L for settin' everything up.
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This shit makes ZERO sense. Something ain't right about this at all...

When we first moved to Phoenix, the first birthday aside from my daughter that turned 1 a week later was my oldest daughter's 10th birthday. She got into it with kids in her class and alladat flexin' that "I'm from Detroit" from day 1, fights and erruhthang, we done had meetings with the principal and shit, wife walked down the block to talk to the mother of some big ass girl that was fighting with her in school... Shit was fucked up.

She announced her birthday party in class and when the day came we had a house full of kids. We had a bounce house, clown, facepainting, and I DJ'ed the party. The backyard was full of kids and even the lil kids my daughter had issues with was there. We had folks droppin off 3-4 kids at a time and bailing.

There's something fishy about this shit. My daughter was beefin with muhfuckas and they still showed up to the crib like it was all love.
This shit makes ZERO sense. Something ain't right about this at all...

When we first moved to Phoenix, the first birthday aside from my daughter that turned 1 a week later was my oldest daughter's 10th birthday. She got into it with kids in her class and alladat flexin' that "I'm from Detroit" from day 1, fights and erruhthang, we done had meetings with the principal and shit, wife walked down the block to talk to the mother of some big ass girl that was fighting with her in school... Shit was fucked up.

She announced her birthday party in class and when the day came we had a house full of kids. We had a bounce house, clown, facepainting, and I DJ'ed the party. The backyard was full of kids and even the lil kids my daughter had issues with was there. We had folks droppin off 3-4 kids at a time and bailing.

There's something fishy about this shit. My daughter was beefin with muhfuckas and they still showed up to the crib like it was all love.
kid eats his own shit at lunch