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WWYD The First 48 Edition: S14 E22 - Stray Shot


Cracka free since 2009; Strictly Business 🫱🏿‍🫲
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Might move this later if it picks up but for now, the premise is simple. Gonna give you an episode and the gist of what happened and ask you what you would have done in the situation
So in this episode, 5 teens have been going around breaking into cars.

On this particular night, as a couple were trying to get into a car, the owner of the car comes out the house trying to scare them by just yelling "HEY". One of the kids shoots like 3x into the home, killing the brother of the homeowner.

Detectives canvas the area and find out one of the names of the boys and where he usually hangs. They pull up to the house and are met by another teen who they discover in questioning him has a gun that matches bullets found at the scene.

Here's the WWYD part. Kid is picked up with the gun. Police question him and he gives up a name at the station, H7 as well as the other kids who participated.

They find the other 4 boys and every single one of them named the other 4 and H7. One of the kids, D, mom came down to the station with him and was like "tell em what you know", and he immediately caved.

So a couple of questions. Have all these boys snitched on H7?

What would you have done if you were involved and they picked you up with you not knowing if they picked up the other boys or not?
Yeah they snitched but them being teens can’t say I blame em. I wonder what sentences they got.

Good thread idea btw
I'ma let you know. I'm almost done

Preciate it fam✊🏾
The kid that fired the shot pleaded guilty to 2nd degree and got 40yrs.

The other 4 got 15 yrs as youth offenders.
They snitched but I understand not wanting to be charged with a shooting when they didn't pull the trigger
They snitched but I understand not wanting to be charged with a shooting when they didn't pull the trigger
Really tough spot to be put in but I'm wondering how all of them acted towards each other when all of them gave each other up
But if they picked you up and you didn't know the status of any of the other dudes, do you still just give up info or do you wait until your back is in the corner and they tell you everyone gave you up?
But if they picked you up and you didn't know the status of any of the other dudes, do you still just give up info or do you wait until your back is in the corner and they tell you everyone gave you up?
Once they come tell me somebody died I'm giving the shooter up
I'm watching one now that I'm not gonna make a thread about because I hate the meth centric episodes
snitching is snitching and im tired of the qualifications being in question lmao

once you say anything more than "lawyer" or "i dont know" you doing too much and need to find another line of work

anyway no, not saying a word....thats the only way the shit works
The kid that fired the shot pleaded guilty to 2nd degree and got 40yrs.

The other 4 got 15 yrs as youth offenders.

when all they had was a gun with bullets that matched shells at the scene on one kid

if nobody said a word at all, it would just be the one locked up and its not really clear it would be for murder

that internal panic button will lie to you tho lol
when all they had was a gun with bullets that matched shells at the scene on one kid

if nobody said a word at all, it would just be the one locked up and its not really clear it would be for murder

that internal panic button will lie to you tho lol
You don’t think that one kid would’ve rolled on his accomplices for a lighter sentence?
when all they had was a gun with bullets that matched shells at the scene on one kid

if nobody said a word at all, it would just be the one locked up and its not really clear it would be for murder

that internal panic button will lie to you tho lol
What's crazy is the first one they found with the pistol on him, I'm thinking why did you choose the hold it after it was used to buss some shots. Now they didn't know anyone was actually hit then died but still. If I didn't shoot it, I definitely ain't gonna just be holding it and if I did shoot, I'm trying to ditch it
I'm watching one now that I'm not gonna make a thread about because I hate the meth centric episodes
Aww shit, I might change my stance lol
But if they picked you up and you didn't know the status of any of the other dudes, do you still just give up info or do you wait until your back is in the corner and they tell you everyone gave you up?
