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WWE PPV Thread - SummerSlam/NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV

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Thats it??? I knew it wouldnt live up to the hype but damn they coulda done better than that, crowd wasnt even really into it
This match was ass bro omg. I feel sorry for niggas that ever seen aj and nak go ANYWHERE else this trash would have got booed out the building
Sad that the end of the match was more interesting than the actual match itself
I don't know how I feel about any of that..

But if I had to point out a low point.... This would be it... SMH....

If the Roman/Brock match disappoints this mania had a spark when it started, but now it's just garbage
Like that match literally killed mania...

I was expecting a 5 star match. This was the match going in I felt had the best chance at topping the NXT main event.....

Shit wasnt even close
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