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WWE PPV Thread - SummerSlam/NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV

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Lets be real, when is the last time Roman had a great match. The guy struggle with cutting promo's so he's useless with a mic in his hand. They've done all that they can with the guy but it's failing and they still going to force it.
Need to blame it on the main event starting after 11PM at the arena. Dual brand PPV's is the dumbest shit ever with a roster this deep.

Yeah man they need to find a way to cut down the time on these PPV's. I mean pre-show is 7pm then the PPV is from 8 - 11:30pm. Like they had a card w/8 matches and put that skit w/Elias & No Way Jose on the show. No reason a PPV should go past 11.

WrestleMania went until midnight this year and even though that's the biggest PPV of the year, that shit was ridiculous.
Lets be real, when is the last time Roman had a great match. The guy struggle with cutting promo's so he's useless with a mic in his hand. They've done all that they can with the guy but it's failing and they still going to force it.

Only bad matches he has had recently?

Old Man Taker on a bad hip
and suplex, suplex, suplex F5 Lesnar

Hell his match tonight with Joe wasnt bad. But its Roman. He got a different standard for some reason

Chi you sound like you copied and pasted a post from 2015 bruh. Do better.
Yeah man they need to find a way to cut down the time on these PPV's. I mean pre-show is 7pm then the PPV is from 8 - 11:30pm. Like they had a card w/8 matches and put that skit w/Elias & No Way Jose on the show. No reason a PPV should go past 11.

WrestleMania went until midnight this year and even though that's the biggest PPV of the year, that shit was ridiculous.

Heard folks was leaving early from mania as well
His last great match was against Braun, how long ago was that. He's been in this spot for 4 or 5 years now and you gotta realize he is what he's shown us to be, there is no next level when it comes to this guy. No other top guy has had fans walk out of a match they're in. Maybe he'll turn it around but have you seen any indication that will happen

I gave him a chance when they first started this experiment but I'm done
The position Roman is in with the fans has little to do with him as a talent in ring Roman is more than fine.

Everything “wrong” with Roman is shit stemming fron behind the curtain

That is fact bruh. If Dave Meltzer never did his whole “Roman is the chosen one...he is next Cena” report

We wouldnt be here. PERIOD.
Yeah. Although Im really annoyed at most of these crowds nowadays (not only because of Roman, but overall these modern fans are trying to be the show instead of enjoying it, but thats just me)

Your are right tho. Just a year ago mufuckas was talking about how Seth was dead. Fickle as shit.

Romans reactions annoy me...cause the shit is like 98% meta. Has almost nothing to do with anything on screen.

Was watching with a homey that hadnt been a fan in a while...

He like damn why they booing that man...aint he a good guy...

In explained to him about dirtsheets and rumors and smark shit etc..

And he like...damn thats dumb as fuck cause Roman is good from his perspective....

Like I said niggas aint worried about the show no more...they wanna be behind the curtain

Only way Roman bounce back...gotta get meta right with they ass and start dropping ether...

Thats why I say VKM need to let the Big Dawg off his leash

roman isn’t capable of “dropping ether”. we’ve seen him get outclassed on the mic by both cena and joe. both had the companies “top babyface” looking stupid

i agree with you that some of these fans are annoying as fuck (what chants, cm punk chants, beach balls, crowd waves). however i won’t let that distract me from the larger point regarding roman reigns

simply put, this isn’t working

they’re constantly putting reigns in a position the fans don’t want to see him in. this has been happening for 3-4 years and wwe is too stubborn to either make changes to his character or move on altogether. roman has improved since 2014 but he’s damaged goods at this point
Been telling yall for 2 and a half years that Roman is ass.

His ceiling is too low due to how he sees himself.

Dude aint this huge ball of charisma, nor is he anything more than backup for seth and dean.
roman isn’t capable of “dropping ether”. we’ve seen him get outclassed on the mic by both cena and joe. both had the companies “top babyface” looking stupid

i agree with you that some of these fans are annoying as fuck (what chants, cm punk chants, beach balls, crowd waves). however i won’t let that distract me from the larger point regarding roman reigns

simply put, this isn’t working

they’re constantly putting reigns in a position the fans don’t want to see him in. this has been happening for 3-4 years and wwe is too stubborn to either make changes to his character or move on altogether. roman has improved since 2014 but he’s damaged goods at this point

Everything you just said correlates woth what ive been saying

98% of the problems with Roman lies behind the curtain

1)Booking and Character (VKM and WWE creative)

2) Dirtsheets amd Rumors ( meta shit)

What he does in-ring he is one of the best in the company.

This is a fact.

As far as “dropping ether”

If they gave him a chance to shoot on the fans he would kill it...cause its coming from a real place

The “worked shoots” on Cena and Lesnar were still heavily scripted

His shit with joe...heavily scripted...

If they let him off his leash...dude will be the next great heel...he can be better than HHH

But one thing I can agree on is that WWE is fucking Roman big time....you can tell dude getting weary of the bullshit...especially after they fed him to Brock at Mania
That's what I'm saying, Roman hasn't shown that he should keep getting these opportunities over a Miz, Seth and Braun

Every “oppurtunity” he has gotten he has done great since about 2016.

For a about a 2 year stretch dude was either MOTN or a candidate

I will continue to reiterate that Romans issues are not in ring related at all.

WWE is booking him like shit
And the fans are still meta hating Roman from shit they read 3 or 4 years ago
They just need to gone and pull the trigger on that Reigns heel turn that way when the crowd boos him he can just embrace that shit and feed off of it.
Man if they let him do this Roman would be great.

Hopefully when the XFL comes around VKM can go away and let Paul Leveque run the shows. He gets it man.
I don't see what y'all see in the guy, all I see is other people pass him up but they're the ones that are being held back

And that has nothing to do with in ring talent

Its about booking bruh.

Miz is being booked phenomenally.

All these main event guys have good booking that match and play to thier stregnths

Roman does not. These are facts.

Romans booking is shit. Pair that with the meta hate...

And well, here we are
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