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WWE PPV Thread - SummerSlam/NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV

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I wonder if they are going to do any title changes on the show. We're at the point now where I'm surprised we'll even see one title change.
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What would be the point of Brock retaining the title? Yet another match with him and Roman? Roman gotta win
Bruno squashed nighas for 12 years STRAIGHT?

Times were much different way back in the day where wrestling was looked at as an actual sport before Vince took shit over in the 80's with Hogan and made it mainstream. I assume 12 yrs as WWWF (as it was called in those days) or WWF Champ was just the strength to his popularity. Hell Bob Backlund had a 5 1/2 yr run with it the WWF Title and Vince let Hogan hold it for 4 yrs straight until Vince just stop letting wrestlers have the belt for multi-year runs in 1988. Which I'm glad.
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