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Would you take off?


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I had a conversation with this guy today and it went like this.
He asked me what would I do in this situation and I thought I'd ask y'all.

The situation:

A guy and a girl are dating. Have been together for awhile. 2 years plus. The girl has a child from a previous relationship. He gets along well with the child. Both the guy and girl have jobs and the little boy is in school.

The child falls sick and has to miss a day of school. Who should take off to care for the child and why? Would you as a man take off to care for your girlfriends sick child? Would you as a woman take off to care of your boyfriends sick child?
At least here, and I assume it's everywhere else or the majority, if your child takes sick, you have to use your annual leave

With that said, I don't see an issue with a day. Once it gets past two consecutive then I may have an issue with that. I mean, that's supposed to be your girl/guy, why not help them out

That could potentially be their step child someday, then what you gon do
At least here, and I assume it's everywhere else or the majority, if your child takes sick, you have to use your annual leave

With that said, I don't see an issue with a day. Once it gets past two consecutive then I may have an issue with that. I mean, that's supposed to be your girl/guy, why not help them out

That could potentially be their step child someday, then what you gon do

As a dad I would be pissed if another dude is left alone with my kid. If the mother can't stay home then call me and I'll stay.
As a dad I would be pissed if another dude is left alone with my kid. If the mother can't stay home then call me and I'll stay.
I mean my example could've used a bit more context, but I assume the other parent isn't really a factor

But it the other parent is engaged and involved in the child life, then of course, the get first call, followed by an immediate family member, then lastly, the sig other
The father or mother should look after the child first. Don't put the sig other in that type of position at least so soon.
Ummm...no. The following list of people should be called to stay...

Biological daddy
I had a conversation with this guy today and it went like this.
He asked me what would I do in this situation and I thought I'd ask y'all.

The situation:

A guy and a girl are dating. Have been together for awhile. 2 years plus. The girl has a child from a previous relationship. He gets along well with the child. Both the guy and girl have jobs and the little boy is in school.

The child falls sick and has to miss a day of school. Who should take off to care for the child and why? Would you as a man take off to care for your girlfriends sick child? Would you as a woman take off to care of your boyfriends sick child?
Man or woman at this point that is his or her child. No difference should be made. If it is he or she should rethink who they are fucking with! The question should be who can take off and still get paid?
Man or woman at this point that is his or her child. No difference should be made. If it is he or she should rethink who they are fucking with! The question should be who can take off and still get paid?
Together for 2yrs without further details on whether they live together or w/e = that's their child?
Ok. Does she trust the guy to take her son to game just the two of them? Do they go to the movie just the two of them? If so, why can't he stay home with the child if he is sick? Now the child's father should be the first option. But if the boyfriend and the son have a good relationship and the mother has to go to work then the boyfriend should be allowed to watch the child. Every time we have these conversations it seems like people want it to be all ways all the time. If I was in a serious relationship with a woman and her child and I were cool and she had to go to work and the biological father couldn't watch the child I would be offended if she didn't ask me. I hope all of you that have children and are not with the other parent meet someone that loves you and your child enough that they want to take care of you sick child when you can't and I hope that your co parents meet someone that loves them and your child enough to want to take care of them even if you never let them get that opportunity.
Only way it would make sense is if the other bio parent either isn't the picture for whatever reason or doesn't live close enough to take the kid.

Being together 2 years doesn't supersede calling the other parent (assuming that's an option) imo
depends on how easy it is for them to take off.....

if they been together 2 years and the kid been there the whole time....ain't shit wrong with dude volunteering or even being asked to do something like that for the kid....only reason i can see him not being willing to take off is if for some reason, taking off work is a hassle at his job......

and then it's not because it ain't his kid, it's because it's a hassle....

if she can get off with less of a hassle, then she should absolutely take off...

to me it's about what works best for them as a unit.......

the bio dad should also be involved too....specially if its's not difficult for him to leave work whenever.....

i only say that, cuz i gotta job where i know i can get off like whenever... and in the case of a sick kid.....it wouldn't mater what side of the coin i'm on.... my kid, ur kid....whatever...i know i can get off, so i'm always gonna volunteer....

but that' me.....
I have taken off before for my BF child but I have never asked my BF's to take off for my child.

My track record shows that you may not have even met my kids yet. haha. So that depends on where we are in the relationship.

I don't let just "anybody" see, talk to, chill , watch or meet my children.

Think about it, for someone to go pick them up, they have to be on the children's emergency card. I am not putting no "BOY FRIEND" on my children(s) emergency card info.

Gotta be more than just a BF to get those privileges.