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Would You Rather Have $3 Million Now Or $5 Million Next Year?

What Would You Choose?

  • $3 Million Right Now Jan 21, 2022

    Votes: 29 61.7%
  • $5 Million Next Year Jan 21, 2023

    Votes: 18 38.3%

  • Total voters

Do you the odds of flipping 3 million to ore than 5 million in less than a year?

play it right

Did you read that, or did you just laugh and started responding to people?

I just started investing a couple years ago. Within year 1 I had a gain of 50%. That's just investing, leaving $$$ untouched. I know day traders that can take 3 and make 6,7,8,+. Didn't say it was easy, but it's possible & it's legal.

EIDT: OP said a year, where'd you get less than a year from?
play it right

Did you read that, or did you just laugh and started responding to people?

I just started investing a couple years ago. Within year 1 I had a gain of 50%. That's just investing, leaving $$$ untouched. I know day traders that can take 3 and make 6,7,8,+. Didn't say it was easy, but it's possible & it's legal.

EIDT: OP said a year, where'd you get less than a year from?

Sure bruh.
For yall choosing to wait the year for the 5..

what plans would you execute with the five that you couldnt with the three? Just curious.

I know more is better but how much more difference would that really make to yall?
Crypto and just investments in general could be alot more expensive next year plus inflation i have to take into account as well

Also I might start doing moving differently since I know I have money coming next year

I’ll take the 3

lmao @ doubling up the 3 mil in a year

you niggas watch too much ozark

Is that a good show?
For yall choosing to wait the year for the 5..

what plans would you execute with the five that you couldnt with the three? Just curious.

I know more is better but how much more difference would that really make to yall?

It's 2 mil more....no more reason than that. More investments, more plays.

The whole I don't know what the future holds, the dollar will crash, inflation...maybe. shit the world my end and aliens actually take over....none of that matters.

Patience Is a virtue....everything worthwhile is worth waiting. And I believe in divine timing. If my intuition saids wait. That's what I follow.
5 is more. That’s really the bottom line and a year is very short time frame to wait for an extra 2 million.

Yea but you could die in a year. I mean I think either choice makes sense some people don’t wanna wait and want immediate change. Some can wait a year