Worse Booking Blunders Of All Time: ABWWF Edition


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
Jan 22, 2017
The original idea for the thread...

This was a good watch. They had me agreeing with a lot of their picks. But I also wanted to get yall take. Feel free to drop your own top 10, or other booking blunders that didn't make their list.
LA Knight vs Bray...The Black Out match

This is what happens when you let the corporate sponsors book a match.
And they could have waited until 2002, but didn’t. Biggest flop in wrestling history
Still would have failed. Nash came and quickly tore his quad, Hall's demons got to him and he got released, Sting wasn't going to be there. I don't think that was ever going to work
Having Cena keep going over Bray when Bray was catching fire with the fans.
The Yeti

Yeah I'm not sure wtf they was thinkin with this. Drugs was definitely involved in that creative process. Til this day I dunno what long term direction they was going with this feud. Hell...did Hogan even wrestle the fuccin Yeti in a match?? Or did he only just got dried humped by Big Show and Yeti, and left it at that? Lol
Omega vs Moxley...The exploding barb-wire death match.

That ending was turrible. Just...bad.
Cena going over the Nexus served no one.

The Summer of Punk being ruined by everything taking place after Summerslam 2011.

Turning Austin heel in 2001. Even with all the funny stuff with McMahon & Angle.

Hogan not dropping the title to Bret Hart in 1993.
Triple H ruined Summer Of Punk with his shitty booking ideas putting himself over and trying to get Kevin Nash in on it. Alot of folks give H praise for his booking now but that man was selfish in the years between 2004-2014 from beating Booker T at Mania(which was not needed at all on H end) after being racist asf, making the Punk angle about himself and putting himself over when Punk was lava hot, and the Sting match. Plus all the BS in between.
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Alot of what I would say has been mentioned so I'll go with WWE booking Sting vs HHH more so the match and the result. What a shit show that ended up being... first of all why was the NWO helping Sting? Like 2 of the niggas in the NWO are in the Kliq. Also Sting's whole existence in the WWE prior to the match was being the "vigilante" fighting against a corrupt group mirroring his fight against the NWO. So why the hell would he need the NWO's help??? Triple going over totally killed Sting's purpose and momentum before it even had a chance. Made him look like a bozo. What a hot ass mess
Triple H ruined Summer Of Punk with his shitty booking ideas putting himself over and trying to get Kevin Nash in on it. Alot of folks give H praise for his booking now but that man was selfish in the years between 2004-2014 from beating Booker T at Mania(which was not needed at all on H end) after being racist asf, making the Punk angle about himself and putting himself over when Punk was lava hot, and the Sting match. Plus all the BS in between.

I dunno if you watched the vid...but they also said HHH should've never gone over Booker or Punk.

I think if he was able to go back in time during those 3 moments...this current version of HHH wouldn't put himself over. At least that's what I think considering how he booking these matches and feuds nowadays
Alot of what I would say has been mentioned so I'll go with WWE booking Sting vs HHH more so the match and the result. What a shit show that ended up being... first of all why was the NWO helping Sting? Like 2 of the niggas in the NWO are in the Kliq. Also Sting's whole existence in the WWE prior to the match was being the "vigilante" fighting against a corrupt group mirroring his fight against the NWO. So why the hell would he need the NWO's help??? Triple going over totally killed Sting's purpose and momentum before it even had a chance. Made him look like a bozo. What a hot ass mess

I never went back to watch that match for that very reason. I saw the highlights and was like


Didn't make sense whatsoever.
DX vs Brothers of Destruction at Crown Jewel

It was pretty much the Battle of the Washed. I mean I get it...Saudi money talks. But geezus crust! It's like they forgot how to put on a wrestling match. Lol!
I dunno if you watched the vid...but they also said HHH should've never gone over Booker or Punk.

I think if he was able to go back in time during those 3 moments...this current version of HHH wouldn't put himself over. At least that's what I think considering how he booking these matches and feuds nowadays
Nah H just had an stiff ego when he was on top and even when he was part time. Hell he still shows signs of it from time to time.

How he is booking matches now dont mean NOTHING because he aint a active competitor so there isnt a need for him to politic himself and shownhis card.

Atleast with Shawn who was another big ego guy who cared about not losing to talents changed hia ways when he was doing his 2004 til the end of his career run by putting over all the younger guys consistently. Hunter never really did that outside Roman and Sheamus and mostly Sheamus because that was his work out buddy.