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"Winners can only exist if losers exist"

One can win and lose at the same time. It's just a way of describing your state of being. You turned in your test first, therefore you feel as if you won. However, you got an F on that test, so you lost.

But you were the first to turn it in; at least you can revel in that while being left behind.

see how childish that way of thinking is?
You're applying position placement as a way of discerning winner and loser, none of which I implied in my post.

Again winning and losing is a measurement of comparison, a perception
Technically, by definition, the statement has to be true because the term winning implies that you have come out on top in some kinda competitive venture. If that is the case then everyone you overcame would be considered a loser. If we're talking about in life, then it's a little more hazy. People have stared to use the term "winning" in a more nebulous fashion to the point that it's no more akin to just saying someone is successful. If that's the case, then I could see the argument that a person winning doesn't necessarily mean that anyone else is losing. However, even that's not completely true because even when just talking about life in general, we're all competing to some degree. If you get a book deal with some publisher, there are probably several people who got passed over in that process. So you're the winner and they are the losers. Or if you look at the business world as a whole. CEOs get paid and absurd amount and then turn around and use their power and position to make sure that the people at the bottom of the company don't get to rise too much. Even though the competition there isn't direct, the CEOs would probably still be considered the winners while the grunts working at the bottom are the losers. So outside of a small set of circumstances, the concept of winning automatically creates the concept of losing. It's basically how the existence of light automatically means that darkness must exist too.