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Why waiters give Black customers poor service


Unverified Legion of Trill member
<span class=caption>Some people argue the poor service is because of a stereotype that Black people tip less. </span> <span class=attribution><a class=link rapid-noclick-resp href=https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/young-african-american-is-calculated-credit-card-royalty-free-image/1086131330 rel=nofollow noopener target=_blank data-ylk=slk:PavelVinnik/iStock via Getty Images>PavelVinnik/iStock via Getty Images</a></span>

Some people argue the poor service is because of a stereotype that Black people tip less..

The big idea
When Black diners get poorer service from wait staff and bartenders than white customers, it’s more likely because of racial bias than the well-documented fact that they tip less, according to a new survey I recently published.
To reach that conclusion, my colleague Gerald Nowak and I recruited over 700 mostly white full-service restaurant servers and bartenders to review a hypothetical dining scenario that randomly involved either white or Black customers. We then asked them to predict the tip that the table would leave, the likelihood that the table would exhibit undesirable dining behaviors and the quality of service they would likely provide the table.
We also asked participants to fill out a survey to learn how frequently they observed anti-Black expressions of bias in their workplaces and to elicit if they harbored their own prejudices toward African Americans.
Servers who either held prejudices toward African Americans, worked in a restaurant where racist remarks were frequently heard or both were significantly more likely to predict that the table with Black customers would not only tip them less but also display uncivil, demanding and dishonest behaviors. As a result, these servers also reported that they would give worse service to the Black table relative to the white one.

We found no evidence of racially disparate treatment except when one of those two conditions was present: server prejudice or racist workplace words and behaviors.

Why it matters
The link between bias and actual discrimination is widely assumed – but rarely documented – to be responsible for the mistreatment that Black Americans continue to experience while engaging in a host of routine activities.
Besides providing new evidence of this connection, our results also have important practical implications. Because surveys show that Black customers are less familiar than white people with the 15%-20% tipping norm, they do tend to tip less. Servers are thus thought to be economically motivated to give preferential service to white customers who they believe are more likely to reward their efforts.
In response, some have suggested that voluntary tipping be abolished or steps be taken to eliminate the Black-white tipping difference by increasing Black customers’ familiarity with tipping norms.
However, we did not find evidence of stereotyping and service discrimination in the absence of anti-Black bias, which suggests the solution to this problem is in addressing racial prejudices in the restaurant industry.

What still isn’t known
A drawback of our study is that we asked servers how they would think and behave under hypothetical, controlled and experimentally manipulated conditions. We can’t know for sure how this process would unfold when servers wait on actual white and Black customers. Doing so would be very challenging. And because our participants weren’t randomly selected, our ability to know how well they reflect the attitudes and workplaces of all servers and bartenders nationwide is limited.
Nonetheless, prior research has documented a relationship between what people say they would do under hypothetical conditions and what they actually do when confronted with similar situations, which gives us some confidence in the real-world application of our results.

What’s next
Right now, we’re examining racial discrimination on the other side of the table by studying restaurant customers’ tendency to discriminate against Black servers by tipping them less than white ones. By administering a survey experiment to over 2,000 restaurant customers across the nation, our ongoing research project aims to further document this form of consumer racial discrimination
I tip 10% at minimum. If the service and experience is dope, I can be very generous.

I do think that that stereotype is taken to heart by most, but the waiter is screwing themselves if they apply that logic
Good because them giving me wack service is a reason for me not to give them a good tip.See how that works

Talking about Undesirable behavior "what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody's couch like it's something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense then that." Rick James
I tip well mainly because I've worked a tip based jobs before and know it's impactful for them. Also it keeps me from eating out too much if I tip well each time because it starts to add up. Providing poor service will just ensure that your tips stay low. They are really only hurting themselves
i know a woman (she's black) that's a waitress in a well to do restaurant in my city...... out her own mouth she said she has more problems when it comes to tips with her own kind as opposed to whites........ she said most blacks (not all) expect their proper change back...... people have to remember a waitress lives for the most part off their tips..... their hourly wage isn't great, but it hurts when you go out your way to give great service & you have a cheap customer who is to stingy to leave something in appreciation.
My white coworker put me onto the restaurant industry term of “Canadians” for black people, used all over the country

As in “I just got another table of Canadians I’m not gonna make shit tonight”
It’s a big misconception that black people don’t tip, black people who have the money to tip, over tip because of the misconception that we don’t tip. If everyone tip so well, why do waitresses and waiters complain about tips. Servin 7 black customers won’t hurt shit in a 8 hour day if everyone else tips so well. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves and fuck these narratives
My white coworker put me onto the restaurant industry term of “Canadians” for black people, used all over the country

As in “I just got another table of Canadians I’m not gonna make shit tonight”
All the more reason NOT to tip white waitstaff.
I'm a nice ass person. I smile and I'm pleasant to everybody. If I'm in a restaurant I start of by being mad friendly. If they match the energy... The tip will be nice af.

And anytime I'm working in a capacity where I gotta deal with customers or clients... Same shit...... Just be fucking nice. Money shouldn't motivate the way you treat people

The irony in a giving bad service because they expect us to give a bad tip; then getting a bad tip because they gave us bad service.

I always tip unless they give shit service; and give tips based on their service. Just because they are having a bad night at work, that doesn't involve me.
I hate this shit cause You can tell if they gonna give you terrible service or not and I'm a person who tips well.

But if the service is bad what do you expect me to do? Like someone said already they're only hurting themselves.
This shit ain't about tipping.

This is about an anti-Black racist mentality held by everyone, including black people, that Black people are not worthy of good customer service or employee treatment. And it's not just in restaurants, it's in retail, banking, and any other business that requires human interaction.

It happens all the time. I could be standing in line right behind a white, Asian, or Hispanic and the employee would be cheerful, charismatic, and very helpful. As soon as my black ass walks up:

In some cases, not even a "hello". I can't even count how many times they'll legit walk away like there's some pressing business elsewhere that miraculously appeared the moment they saw me. And what do those employees look like? White, Black, young, old, male, female, American, foreign.
This shit ain't about tipping.

This is about an anti-Black racist mentality held by everyone, including black people, that Black people are not worthy of good customer service or employee treatment. And it's not just in restaurants, it's in retail, banking, and any other business that requires human interaction.

It happens all the time. I could be standing in line right behind a white, Asian, or Hispanic and the employee would be cheerful, charismatic, and very helpful. As soon as my black ass walks up:

In some cases, not even a "hello". I can't even count how many times they'll legit walk away like there's some pressing business elsewhere that miraculously appeared the moment they saw me. And what do those employees look like? White, Black, young, old, male, female, American, foreign.
sadly.....a lot of people live in a bubble...even black people