OPINION Why do they call lion the king of jungle ?

@Race Jones

I've been hearing that jewish (spelled with a lowercase "J") people are sleazy my entire life. Since childhood. I can remember making jewish jokes in my childhood and being reprimanded. I grew up in the suburbs and there were alot of jewish people. Probably half of my elementary school was jewish. I remember one time I drew a swastika in 4th grade. The jewish kids said I couldn't draw a swastika. I said, "yes I can". They said "no you can't".

We went back and forth, "I can draw a swastika" they said "no you can't". "Yes I can" "No you can't".

When I got home my father said that they were going to fire him from his job if I drew another swastika.

My point is that jewish people have alot of power. Growing up I had to respect that if you so much as say something negative about jews, they have alot of reach and power to influence things. From that point forward I got the message that you can't say anything negative about jews because they have alot of political power. That was around 1983/84. So from that point onwards I got the points that jewish people have the kind of power that they can cancel people like Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan just because.

One day, circa 2000, I went into the local library. I was unemployed so I was just wandering around the library looking for something that caught my attention. I walked into the religion section at the library. One thing that caught my eye was the first edition of The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. I had read the book but I've always heard that sometimes the first edition of a book has things in it that are edited out of later editions.

I also came across the talmud. I always thought jewish people followed the Old Testament of the Bible, whereas Christians follow the Old Testament and the New Testament. Also, I thought that jews followed the torah, or the first 5 books of the Old Testament. After doing a little research I learned that jews followed the Old Testament before Jesus was born. After Jesus was born there were a group of people that I'll call, "The early Christians" they considered themselves jews and they thought Jesus was the Messiah. At the same time there were jews that did not think Jesus was the Messiah. So those two groups split. One group followed the Old Testament and thought Jesus was The Messiah. The other group followed the Old Testament but they didn't think Jesus was The Messiah. Eventually the group that thought Jesus was the Messiah put together the New Testament and The Bible as we know it with the Old Testament and the New Testament. Those people didn't have name for themselves until the Nicea Council in 325 AD. That meeting was overseen by the Roman Emperor Constantine. According to the google search engine,

So basically Christianity was born out of judaism. Jesus lived circa 0 BC/AD - 33 AD. The gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke and John) were written between 60AD-70AD. and tell the story of Jesus. The rest of the New Testament was written by Paul, who never actually met Jesus but was struck by the Holy Spirit that inspired him to write letters to the Emperor of The Roman Empire about Jesus.

The Nicea Council was circa 325 AD when they finally gave Christianity a name.

judaism took a turn when the jews rejected Christianity and wrote the talmud. According to the Google search engine,

@Race Jones. Here is the answer to your question.

So I was in the library one day and I came across the talmud. The scripture that the jews study. It was written after the Bible. In theory the jews study the torah, which is the first 5 books of the Bible. But they really study the talmud. Most jews don't give a sh!t about the torah.

The talmud isn't just a book. It is a collection of books with at least two dozen volumes. I mean, if you were standing in front of a book shelf, you'd have to spread your arms wide to simulate how much space it takes up on a shelf.

So out of curiosity I picked up one of the books and flipped through it. I swear on my life, I swear on my screen name, I swear on my mother; the talmud is an instruction manual of how to rip people off. Page one is one way to rip somebody off. Page two is another way to rip somebody off. Page 3 is another way to rip somebody off. Page 4 is another way to rip somebody off. Page 5 is another way to rip somebody off, page 6 is another way to rip somebody off, page 7 is another way to rip somebody off....ad nauseam.

I am not lying or exaggerating when I say the talmud is a 20+ volume series of books that illustrates different ways to rip somebody off.

For example. Let's say you need to have your house painted.

You call the painter and say, "I need to have my house painted, how much do you charge?"

He says, "I charge $500"

You say, "Great I need you to start on Monday"

He comes over and paints your house on Monday.

At the end of the day, when he's finished painting your house he tries to collect his payment of $500 and you say, "I never said I was going to pay you".

Wow... I mean holy fuck, you really typed this shit out with... with all the thought of someone thinking they had heroin and it turned out to be fentanyl and liquid coke coating it while binge watching the History Channel
So will there be a story time of why you were banned from YouTube? Also the tiger could be only one rapper and it ain't Nas

That king of the jungle bullshit aint nothing but a dumb expression. I bet some of y'all think the Lion King is a documentary.
Damn she can get it everyday . Mmm! Mmm Nasty sexy!

I dont know why I got banned Rly. THey are idiots Fuck YOutube Bitches Son of cunts. Its only good when Banging Music Videos

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Only skimmed thru bout half of this but lol lol @ bolded
I remember seeing a YouTube video about the Talmud and some of their law saw they are allowed to have sex with a toddler etc. Tuat shit is foul and corrupt. Talmudic jews are a sect and have nothing to do with orthodox Judaism. Dont get the two theistic. Talmudic Judaism is evil.
Been saying this. Tiger is the bigger cat and bout better than everything else than the lion.

Lion aint even from no jungle

Tiger > Lion
I remember seeing a YouTube video about the Talmud and some of their law saw they are allowed to have sex with a toddler etc. Tuat shit is foul and corrupt. Talmudic jews are a sect and have nothing to do with orthodox Judaism. Dont get the two theistic. Talmudic Judaism is evil.


idk wtf u r talking bout.

But w/e it is. Leave me out of it

Yall know they use a tigers roar at the beginning of those MGM movies because Lions roar are not as ferocious and more nasally
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