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why do people mourn the death of career politicians?

Yea but I mean would you say RIP to Hitler or Trump? Thing is living in a western country we know by now the top military brass and politicians don’t care about most people. I ain’t saying we got spit on their graves

my second post in this thread answers your question
I'm not doing any of that.

I've said plenty of times if I dont have anything positive to say about someone who passes... ima just not say anything at all personally.

I find it in poor taste to shit on the dead tho.. whether I agreed with them or vehemently disagreed with them while they were living
Ultimately, it’s this simple principle being exercised here.

Humanity doesn’t require you to “like” a person. It just requires that you recognize they breathe the same air as you, therefore they could be entitled to a shred of dignity in death, or just simple silence.

But, aight then…
Most if not all politicians are shady and makes bad moves at certain points in their careers….like it or not, people are exactly what they are…HUMAN

The best politician to you is most likely a piece of shit to someone living in another country. Especially a third world country that hates America. And there’s always dirt to be found on people of any high status.

Im not sure exactly how bad this man was, but unless he’s responsible for a total world war and MASS GENOCIDE for his own political autonomy and communistic agendas (like Hitler), I don’t see the sense in being bothered by people saying RIP.