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Who's your daddy?

You know the saying the truth will set u free, well being set free isn't always a joyous process nor fullfing in that moment
So while we say this fucked, it's actually a good thing to happen imo. So many lessons that these people have the opportunity to learn about themselves.
I have no issue with the exfriend exposing the truth. It was how they went about it. To have 2 dudes, who dont know each other, come to the child's school was reckless. It could have went horrible. Good thing the kid was held in class.

Could have just called both of them up and dropped the dime.
Starting to think the former friend might've been a dude.

Maybe he was in the friendzone and got salty because she wasn't giving up the draws.

Regardless, this is what happens when you tell too much of your business to the wrong people.
Lock her ass up

Agreed. The mother of the said child is the root cause behind the chaos in this story all of it. I can't even be mad that one of the men put her on her ass. I don't condone violence against women but in very few circumstances it is warranted.

Mandatory DNA testing at birth would solve all this
Lol bruh. This is why you get a paternity test

I've been saying this for years. If this country would pass laws for mandatory DNA testing at the birth of a child it would cease a lot of bs cases down the line with wrongfully putting child support on men for children that isn't theirs.